Weekend Plans Post: A Sneaky Three-Day Weekend


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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12 Responses

  1. fillyjonk says:

    LOL we get one federal holiday off per semester; in the spring it’s MLK Jr. day (though they do try to push it as a Day of Service rather than a day off. This year I had JUST sprained my knee and spent the entire morning in the ER getting it dxed).

    For me, federal holidays are mainly “oh dang there’s no mail today, is there.” I mean yes I do get a couple weeks off at Christmas so I guess that’s my payback for it but sometimes it’s just nice to get a three-day weekend.

    This weekend: still recuperating. Much better, and the knee pain now feels more arthritic than “oh no I tore a ligament.’ And the orthopedic doctor, after pressing all over my knee and not having me squawk in pain (and not finding inflammation anywhere) says he doesn’t think ligaments are permanently damaged. I have an MRI today to confirm that there’s no permanent damage (I really hope there is not but I’m a pessimist).

    I still hurt though, and it’s supposed to briefly be wicked cold this weekend, so I guess (sigh) rather than getting out to the newly-moved-to-only-a-half-hour-away yarn shop and the new Michael’s franchise I’ve not even been to yet, I’ll stay home instead.

    well, stay home after I put away the herbarium specimens from this week’s lab, if I’m not feeling up to it after the MRI. I’ve received conflicting advice; some people say it’ll be a walk in the park, others are like “yeah count on having a migraine from the noise” so I don’t know.Report

  2. John Puccio says:

    Wait, are you complaining about businesses being conveniently open on a Sunday, Jaybird?

    Give the Brits and Irish credit. They have the foresight and decency to have federal holidays when the weather is nice and the days can be fully enjoyed.Report

  3. Pinky says:

    There are currently 11 federal holidays per year. Not evenly spaced, but they average out to nearly one per month. It’s been a while since I looked at it, but I believe that the fifth most popular day off isn’t a federal holiday – it’s Black Friday.

    And of course all stores except for restaurants and pharmacies should be closed on Sundays, and they should feel free to close if they want to.Report

    • Marchmaine in reply to Pinky says:

      In addition to Sundays, adding this to the Solidarity Party plank:

      The Third Friday of every month shall be a National Holiday… additive to the currently observed secular feast days.

      However, I just checked our corporate calendar, and sadly it seems we hate the Presidents.Report

  4. Fish says:

    Last year I compiled a list of notable events February to May and compiled a list of possible holidays for those months to manufacture three-day weekends for each of those months. It’d be super easy to do.

    I should see if I still have that list…Report

  5. Slade the Leveller says:

    Closing on the sale of my house today! I’ve been there for 30 years, and the piles of junk told the tale. To celebrated, we’re going out for a nice fish dinner. It’ll be nice to be able to blow some money again.Report

  6. InMD says:

    Would it blow everyones mind to know I haven’t had Presidents Day (or MLK for that matter) off in nearly 2 decades? It is a long spell from New Years Day to Memorial, but that is what I have to live with. I hate and envy all of you at the same time.Report

    • Michael Cain in reply to InMD says:

      When I worked on the staff of the Colorado legislature, late one Friday afternoon one of the newer members of the Joint Budget Committee asked if I was doing anything special for one of those. “Nope,” I told him. “The General Assembly meets on Tuesday. The JBC meets on Tuesday to hear a half-dozen supplemental budget bills. I’ll be here all day Monday making sure that Tuesday happens properly.”

      JBC staff hours were insane during the session. Two or three weeks of comp time off in the summer was nice, though.Report

  7. Philip H says:

    President’s Day and Veterans Day are the only two holidays in the year when my wife and I are both off and the kids are not. There’s value in that.Report