Weekend Plans Post: Making New Friends


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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13 Responses

  1. Machmaine says:

    cute! one of our barn cats just had kittens, so we’re awash in kitties too. (free kittens to any VA/MD/WV peeps).

    We’re visiting family in MN heading to one of the 10000 lakes (not sure which.. big round little long lake or something).

    We went to MN Fine arts museum in MPLS… shouted “North” out the window a few time, but guess he didn’t hear us.

    Saw another Rembrandt but also this famous picture of Dante, Petrarch, and Bocaccio…so that was cool.

    have requested good German sausage, walleye, and smoked whitefish while we’re here…


  2. InMD says:

    My wife would love a cat, but alas, I am allergic… and also skeptical of non-humans that poop in the house after infancy. Speaking of which we welcomed our second son yesterday. Him and mom are doing well, and we are hoping to be released tomorrow. Not sure I can handle another day of hospital cafeteria food and home is way more comfortable for being up half the night. Overall though it is a joyous, joyous weekend we have spent a long time wishing for.Report

  3. Fish says:

    We experienced similar when we brought a young dog into the house. We were so used to the slow ways of senior dogs that her energy was kind of a shock to all of us–including the senior dog!Report

  4. Jaybird says:

    A million years ago, I transferred from New York Choral to Colorado Choral and I couldn’t believe it, I was told that I wasn’t a baritone. I was a Tenor!

    The music teacher sat down with me and showed me. He said that the thing where we switched from chest voice to head voice happed for bass singers *HERE* and he played a couple of notes on the piano. He said it happened for baritones *HERE* and he played a couple of higher notes on the piano. And then he said tenors were generally *HERE*, and he played a couple of notes on the piano which were more or less exactly the notes where I switched from chest voice to head voice.

    If you want to hear someone switching from chest voice to head voice or head voice to chest voice effortlessly and demonstrate a tenor more or less in the same range as Jaybird in 1990/1991?

    Here you go:

    I can make each of those switches seamlessly and the song is downright easy for me to sing.

    Apart from the emotional content, of course.Report