Weekend Plans Post: Memorial Day Weekend


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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11 Responses

  1. Fish says:

    Making a trip out to Kansas to visit Dad and brother and maybe catch up with a few other folks while I’m there. Originally, this trip was going to be a much bigger affair with my sister and her daughter coming along with new grand-baby. Unfortunately, new grand-baby isn’t feeling well so it’s just going to be me.

    But that’s cool! I’m going to get Dad set up with his new computer, I’m going to make him watch a couple of soccer games (I think I’ve nearly got him converted) and we’re going to enjoy a few drinks (he makes a damn good frozen margarita) and comment on how fat my brother’s dog is getting (she’s a good girl).Report

  2. Slade the Leveller says:

    I turned my weekend into a 4 day one. Played golf this morning with 3 buddies and finished with the highest score and lost a few bucks on the way. Par on the last hole will bring me back out.

    I’ve been busy introducing the new woman in my life to family and friends, so lots of that this weekend.Report

  3. Jaybird says:

    A million years ago, Spandau Ballet came out with the song “True”.

    Their gimmick was that they were wearing suits. I mean, you might think that this wasn’t *THAT* big of a deal. The Beatles were wearing suits on Ed Sullivan, after all.

    But, for some reason, after the Beatles wore suits on Ed Sullivan, there was some time that passed and then there was this thing called “punk” and then Spandau Ballet showed up and, next thing you know, we had the song “True”.

    This song was a major hit. MTV wouldn’t stop playing it and that meant that most of the radio stations out there wouldn’t stop playing it either. Seriously. Only the oldies stations and the country stations wouldn’t play it.

    Well, 8 years later, a hip-hop group called PM Dawn sampled the heck out of this song and improved it. “Set Adrift on Memory Bliss” took a very 80’s thing and turned it into a very 90’s thing.


  4. Jaybird says:

    Impromptu Hang Out!

    The friends we used to hang out with all the time and we all lived in each other’s areas? Well, two of them moved out to the boonies and the other two have kids going off to college and, somehow, we have less free time to hang out than when they had a 5 year old and a 2 year old. Which was 17 years ago? That can’t be right.

    Anyway, we’re hanging out tonight. And I am making Rice Krispie Squares.

    And the kids probably won’t be there because they have better stuff to do. Which sucks because they’ve started getting really interesting.Report

  5. Michael Cain says:

    Visited my wife at the memory care facility Friday morning. Visit ended in what is becoming the standard explosion when I’m not taking her with me when I leave. Visited again this morning. It’s tough to deal with a “I haven’t seen you for weeks!” opening when it’s been two days. It went surprisingly well, she was disappointed I wasn’t taking her with me when I left, but there was no explosion.Report