Video Throughput: The Eye of Aldhani and May the Fourth Be With You

Michael Siegel

Michael Siegel is an astronomer living in Pennsylvania. He blogs at his own site, and has written a novel.

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2 Responses

  1. Burt Likko says:

    Agreed that Andor is a blue ribbon Star Wars product. IMO excelled only by Rogue One (which uses the same character, but that’s not why). The writing team Disney has out together really gets it: Show, don’t tell; the protagonist’s moral choice is decisive to the plot; grow the character through struggle so that choice makes sense when it happens.

    Everyhthing else is, frankly, decor, although Star Wars has wonderful decor. From the very first movie, with its use of scaled models to awe us with the size of the Star Destroyers and go-nuts-y’all instructions to the alien costume makers. And the Eye of Aldhani is definitely in that vein. Easy to see how a mostly-secular society like the galaxy of Star Wars would find such a thing mystical and spiritual, and kudos to the visual artists who showed it to us.

    Your explanation for the exposition around the Eye never, ever occurred to me. Thanks for that! I just ran with it, loved the visual, and was on the edge of my seat to see the heist underway.Report