Weekend Plans Post: Pasketti


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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14 Responses

  1. Burt Likko says:

    I’ve begun hosting a potluck and board game night every second Saturday. RSVP’d this time around is Our Tod and his charming, clever bride. I have a board came called Mysterium still in its shrink-wrap, another RSVP’d guest is bringing Sagrada, and a third non-RSVP is bringing Viticulture. There is a kegful of homebrew, five cases of wine, and a lovely cocktail from some south-of-Seattle distillers. Then Sunday night I catch the redeye back east to spend a week with my Boomers. Ought to be a pretty full time.Report

  2. Fish says:

    I desperately want someone to live-blog your sister’s reactions to having you cook in “her” kitchen! 😀

    I would pay good money just to get people to stop fishing around with our clocks, too. Please just pick one and stick to it!

    Weekend plans include maybe going to a friend’s house to finally pitch in and do my part to help brew some of the beer I’ve been enjoying for free for so long and going out to buy a new pair of hiking boots because one of my dogs had a very bad week and ate one of my boots!Report

  3. fillyjonk says:

    Spring break starts so today is a marathon day of trying to get caught up for systematic botany, then running home and throwing clothes in the washer. And then either tonight or tomorrow morning packing, and tomorrow night I board a train to go visit my mom for a couple days.

    I probably need to read up and outline the various tribes of the Asteraceae while I am up there, though.Report

  4. Marchmaine says:

    I have a birthday that mathematically falls in Lent on all but the rarest occasions. When I’m lucky, it’s on Ash Wednesday. This year it was just mid-week Lent. So the weekend before we went out for a fancy dinner and this weekend (the one after) the kids will be summoned home and we’ll have a family dinner. Which, by the luck of the marital contract terms, means that I have to cook it. (Subsection XII: smoked meats.)

    I’m also planning to try to recreate ‘real’ French Onion soup – which means slowly caramelizing more onions than you’d think and building that up slowly with beef demi. This is a soup that was in fashion, I dunno, 40 – 50 years ago when restaurants made this kind of thing. Over the years we became accustomed to quick versions that were, eh, good enough in a pinch – as long as you knew what you were missing. I want to get back what we’re missing because I’ve mostly forgotten, but I can tell that what we’re getting now as FO Soup *isn’t* FO soup. Like the substitute became the template and we’re now doing knock-offs of the knock-off. And…like other ‘simple’ foods such as Potato Skins that restaurants no longer do right for no good reason other than SYSCO says these are Potato Skins… we should just use the original recipe as the baseline so the short-cuts are realigned to the good again.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Marchmaine says:

      The restaurant made really good French Onion soup… looking back now, I’m pretty sure that regulators would say that we had to throw it out at the end of the day rather than refrigerate the leftover kettle and use it as a starting base for the next day’s soup. (Perpetual French Onion soup.)

      But, seriously, that stuff was *GOOD*.Report

      • Marchmaine in reply to Jaybird says:

        Yeah, there’s a genre of restaurant that I don’t see very much anymore outside of dives, a few ethnics and some Chicago family places that is still just scratch cooking for the masses.Report

  5. Jaybird says:

    A minor discovery. You know the song “Love Will Tear Us Apart”?

    Joy Division.

    This song came out in June 1980. There was a lot of malaise and this song caught a zeitgeist. Listening to it now? It’s almost a parody. “Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance!” Only British instead of German. *EAST* German.

    And not bowlers and umbrellas British. East Enders British.

    Well, a lot of stuff happened with Joy Division and not a whole lot of it is worth trying to be clever about. There was a *LOT* of tragedy involved with the days around the release of their first single. Given the tenor of the song, there was a lot of jokes about irony but, personally, I think that people who are having a lot of problems are likely to make a song about having a lot of problems.

    Anyway, this song stood the test of time to the point where I was standing in the supermarket in 2019 asking “Why am I here in the middle of the bread aisle listening to Joy Division?”

    Poor Ian Curtis.

    Eventually, Francis Dunnery covered the song and, somehow, he turned it into a 1980 Malaise song into a…

    I don’t even know how to describe it. It’s triumphant.

    I hope Ian would have liked it.


  6. Slade the Leveller says:

    Last night my lady friend and I had dinner with my sis and BIL. We 1st went to an Irish place but apparently St. Paddy’s Day is a week long now, so we ended up at the Italian place across the street.

    Tonight it’s Vietnamese food and jazz at the Green Mill.Report