Could the GOP Make Hay Out of Dobbs?

Philip H

Philip H is an oceanographer who makes his way in the world trying to use more autonomy to sample and thus understand the world's ocean. He's a proud federal scientist, husband, father, woodworker and modelrailroader. The son of a historian and public-school teacher and the nephew and grandson of preachers, he believes one of his greatest marks on the world will be the words he leaves behind. To that end he writes here at OT and blogs very occasionally at District of Columbia Dispatches. Philip's views are definitely his own, and in no way reflect the official or unofficial position of any agency he works for now or has worked for in his career. If you disagree, take it up with him, not Congress.

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4 Responses

  1. Saul Degraw says:

    The answer is no. People like Patrick Brown are either extremely disingenuous or they are extremely naive useful idiots. If in the second group, they do not realize what a small minority they are in but are too wedded to their GOP identity to change.Report

    • Dark Matter in reply to Saul Degraw says:

      His job is to put great spin on ugly policy. We have the ugly policy because of ugly reality, wishful thinking, and a desire to use the gov to force choices on other people that we’d ignore on ourselves.

      Abortion is one issue among many to evaluate a politician. The GOP may STILL gain more votes than they lose on this issue, even though most of their coalition doesn’t like it.Report