Embrace The Case

Will Truman

Will Truman is the Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. He is also on Twitter.

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8 Responses

  1. Marchmaine says:

    “Show the world that you trust yourself enough not to drop your phone in such a way as to smash it. Believe in you, people.”

    Heh… I’ll believe in me when *you* believe in me – by providing a free phone replacement when my screen cracks.

    Plus… your phones aren’t really the works of positional art that you think they are… they are rectangles of connectivity, compute power and visuals.

    As we’ve added devices for the dependents (usually at ~18 when they go to college, so Mom can all them) we’ve always held back the device until they bought a suitable case. As they’ve aged out of support from us, two have learned the hard way that having a case and ‘planning to get a case’ are two very different costly positions.Report

  2. Brandon Berg says:

    I had a Galaxy S8 for four years, and never used a case. It was fine right up until the proverbial last day before retirement, at which point I smashed a divot into the back of the phone. It was still functional, and not even noticeable with a cheap case I bought to prevent the cracks from spreading, but I still lost the $50 trade-in value.

    All told, not a bad deal for not having to use a case for four years, but it could just as easily have happened in the first week of ownership as the last, so I’m using a case this time.Report

    • North in reply to Brandon Berg says:

      Also the 50 bucks you lost in trade in value strikes me as exceeding all but the starting cost of the most high end cases.

      I’ve dropped phones from time to time and have never felt a hint of trepidation because I let Otter take the wheel.Report

      • Brandon Berg in reply to North says:

        The benefit of not having a case to which I referred is not the cost of the case, but the fact that holding a caseless phone just feels better. It’s thinner, lighter, smoother, and cooler to the touch.Report

  3. Damon says:

    I’ll give up my case when manufactures stop making the exterior of their phones so slippery that they slip out of my hand, My case has a rough texture on the back which is a lot more “gripp able” than any phone’s back alone. My phone wasn’t that expective but my friend just dropped her’s and it cost her $1.2K for a new one because the screen when dark. F that.Report

  4. fillyjonk says:

    I have a glittery clear Otterbox case on my (old, earlier gen) iPhone.

    I have dropped the phone numerous times, banged it incarefully into things, had it slide off a stack of books. My phone is still intact, because the case has a “bumper” on it that protects the screen (I also have a screen protector).

    It’s ridiculous that they make something to fragile and then exhort us not to put a case on it to protect it. Or maybe it isn’t, if they’re figuring a sizable subset of people who drop and break their phones are rich enough to go out and buy an immediate replacement. (I am not, hence I am using a phone old enough it still has a headphone jack)

    I absolutely do not trust myself not to drop my phone in such a way as to smash it. I get tired, I am naturally clumsy, I am distractable. I love having a case and a screen protector on my phone and Apple can just suck it if they don’t like that.Report

  5. Slade the Leveller says:

    Man, I miss my LG phone. That thing was an absolute tank.Report

    • So is mine. When I bought it, I told the young man at the store that I bicycled and would, no doubt, drop it from time to time, probably w/o a case. So he took me past the Samsungs with the comment, “Everyone loves the Galaxies, but they’re fragile as sh*t” to look at Motorolas and LGs.

      And I have dropped it. The only time there was damage was when I had to drop it to catch an antique when we were moving and the phone landed on a corner on concrete. Cracks all over the transparent screen, but the display still worked. Cost me $100 to have the local repair shop replace it.Report