Weekend Plans Post: Leaguefest!


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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12 Responses

  1. fillyjonk says:

    Wow, that ad. The women in there look way younger and better than (some of at least) of their husbands.

    My docket? I have to make jam bars for a funeral reception (provided I still test COVID negative tomorrow evening – had a possible exposure on Monday) and then – clear the rest of the stuff out of my sewing room, wash the walls, tape around the window and door frames, get a quart of Valspar “Second Blush” color paint, and paint the sewing room. I’m HOPING to achieve that Sunday, which would leave Monday to put the bookcases back and start putting the various pattern books back on them (and hopefully sort the books a bit; I’m pretty sure I have a couple that are duplicates and some I’d rather get rid of) and then move the sewing machine and cutting table and ironing board back into place.

    Labor Day is my ONE long weekend of the semester, so if this painting thing is gonna happen, it has to happen now. Also my bedroom’s now dominated by boxes of quilting and knitting books that I’d rather not have to step over for weeks…..Report

  2. Slade the Leveller says:

    I’m going to be here in Chicago, extremely jealous of all the Fest attendees. I really wish I could make it. Ironically, I didn’t make the Chicago one, either.Report

  3. Marchmaine says:

    Secretly hoping BlaiseP, Hanley, TVD, EDK, the Bruenigs, Bouie — hey, has anyone personally reached out to Barret Brown?? — and all sorts of other OT Ghosts crash the party… No? Well perhaps a ghost story or two will suffice.Report

  4. Anne says:

    Maybe I’ll make it to a Fest one of these years. Hope you all have fun! Husband and the boy are off to move his sister and my future son-in-law back to Oklahoma. I’m on puppy sitting duty. Hope fully one of the rent houses come through today or there will be 5 adults, 4 cats and 2 dogs in my house. Not to mention a scramble to find a storage unit on labor day. But the important thing is she will be home!Report

  5. Jaybird says:

    Home. Home again after a great Leaguefest.

    My dogs are barkin’.Report