Book Burning
Every school district discusses and lists property that is no longer useful. Surplus items may include broken gym equipment, outdated projectors or damaged file cabinets. At the May 3 board meeting, the district’s list of surplus property was published. Notable was that most of the equipment was designated “to be recycled.” Desktop covid dividers were “to be recycled.” A refrigerator was “to be recycled.” But the five books deemed inappropriate were “to be destroyed.”
To quote Chip, elections have consequences.Report
Only for liberals, never for conservatives. You will never, every hear a very serious person to tell a social conservative to moderate their views on an issue. The pundit class, even if liberal, seems to think that doing this is untoward. They seem bogged down in the view that social reactionaries are “moral” voters.
It is why one of my least favorite polling questions is “right track/wrong track.” I would answer this country is on a wrong track but none of my answers would have anything to do with gas prices or inflation or Biden or Harris and most Democrats.Report
In conjunction with the other thread about Ms. Miller’s “slip”, the presumption of innocence regarding Republican bigotry and authoritarianism needs to be buried.
These aren’t anomalies or aberrations, it isn’t just a nutty fringe.
At its heart and core, from the voting base to the statehouse and up to the SCOTUS and Congressional level, the Republican party needs to be viewed as a reactionary force at war with American diversity and tolerance.Report
Man, it sure is weird how a story about school burning books because they were ‘inappropriate’ get almost no comments, and yet the commentators here freaked out when a private individual on tiktok posted a video about how they were disgruntled with J.K. Rowling and burned _their own_ copies of her book.Report