Why Was Andrew Johnson President?

Eric Medlin

History instructor. Writer. Rising star in the world of affordable housing.

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3 Responses

  1. PD Shaw says:

    While I agree wholly with the general sentiments here, I feel obligated to point out that Lincoln didn’t appoint Johnson, he was selected by Republican nominating convention in Baltimore in May of 1864. Lincoln’s directions to his Secretary sent to observe the proceedings was that he officially had no preference in the nomination as all of the potential nominees and their supporters are his friends and allies and did not want to alienate any. It was the sentiment of the delegates that they needed a War Democrat on the ticket to be successful in the general election, and they came around to Johnson probably because he was the most famous that fit the requirements.Report

  2. Russell Michaels says:

    He was a Democrat Lincoln picked to unite the ticket so that an awful person didn’t beat him in the general.Report