Saturday Morning Gaming: Cities Skylines


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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4 Responses

  1. Andy says:

    I’ve had City Skylines for quite a while now and own most of the DLC.

    Maybe it’s an epic thing – I have it on Steam and don’t need to log in to play, although you do have the option of logging into your Paradox account if you want to.

    There really isn’t any need to get the DLC to enjoy the base game – all the core mechanics are there. And yes, it is a complicated game but…Paradox.

    There’s also a huge modding community and several mods significantly improve on what Paradox has done. Most of these are, again, complex. In addition to mods, there are tens of thousands of custom community-made assets – probably every major skyscraper and building on the planet is on the Steam workshop.

    I’ve been playing the Cyberpunk 2077 1.5 patch a bit and it’s really how the game should have shipped. It really needed another year in the oven. But I’m not putting a ton of time in as I’m waiting for DLC.

    I’ve also been playing Dying Light 2. I never played the first one, but DL2 is fun so far. I’m not as coordinated as I used to be, so chaining parkour moves together has been a challenge and there are some annoyances with the gameplay, but so far the story is interesting even if pretty cliche’ (finding your little sister).Report

  2. Kolohe says:

    Here’s a dumb question, when you say its free until the 17th, does that me I just have to download it (after I presume setting up an account on Epic Game Store, which I have never used) prior to the 17th, and then be able to play it whenever? Or does that mean I will only be able to play it for free until March 17?Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Kolohe says:

      If you add it to your library today, it will henceforth be in your library and you can download it and play it at your leisure for until you uninstall Epic.

      It’s not a “free-for-a-week” game. It’s a “get it free and keep it forever” game.

      (Yes, they’ve been doing this with one game a week for years.)Report