Video Throughput: Don’t Look Up Review By A Scientist

Michael Siegel

Michael Siegel is an astronomer living in Pennsylvania. He blogs at his own site, and has written a novel.

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6 Responses

  1. veronica d says:

    Very well done. I was hoping Professor Siegel would do a piece on this movie.

    I too was skeptical at how fast they computed the comet’s trajectory. While I don’t know much, I do know a bit about numerically solving differential equations and how hard it is. This is particularly true when your input data is right-ascension/declination over a few nights. That’s a tough problem and you won’t get accurate results on a white board.

    As an aside, everyone here (at least those of us who enjoy the video) should “like” the video on YouTube, and perhaps comment there. It will help with the YouTube algorithm for getting the video onto people’s feeds. I think Professor Siegel does great work and more people should get to see it.Report

  2. Michael Cain says:

    Who amongst us has not lived through some version of the “But what do the Ivy League astronomers think?” Mine was after a phone call from the CTO at the giant telecom company where I worked, who said, “One of the SVPs who has refused to read your white papers is hiring Deloitte to write a recommendation on the big impending technology choice we’re making. Your job for the next six weeks is to be available to the Deloitte team every minute of every day to ensure they don’t put something completely stupid in their final report.”

    Oh, and Christmas movies these days are intended to occupy the teenagers during the increasingly-long winter breaks they get from school, so their parents don’t go crazy.Report

  3. Jaybird says:

    One of my good friends who watched the movie thought it was fuhmazing. He didn’t think it was about climate change, though. He thought it was about covid.Report

  4. Oscar Gordon says:

    WooHoo, shout out to WI!Report

  5. Michael Greenspan says:

    Enjoyed this a lot.

    Is “You can’t take the sky from me” a Firefly reference?Report

  6. Burt Likko says:

    I described the movie to my Boomer dad and his partner thus: “Jennifer Lawrence and Leonardo DiCaprio discovery a coment that’s going to wipe out humanity, and then they struggle to get people to care.” Now, she (my dad’s partner) in particular is pretty conservative so I wanted to gloss over the parody of the Trump White House, but I think I got the general sense of the movie right.

    What’s great to learn from the Throughput, though, is how well the science worked. I recall thinking “breaking up the comet won’t do any good, it’s still going to weigh as much” and yes I realize weight and mass aren’t the same thing but I figure that was pretty decent scientific hole-spotting for a liberal arts major like myself. (Then there was the question of how exactly the navy was going to “catch” mountain-sized hunks of rock and metal while in the ocean, but one can mine underwater.)Report