Joe Biden Needs to Be The Next Democratic Nominee

Eric Medlin

History instructor. Writer. Rising star in the world of affordable housing.

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24 Responses

  1. John Puccio says:

    Joe Biden’s obvious cognitive decline is not going to reserve itself, and likely will only worsen over the next 3 years. He will turn EIGHTY-TWO (82) years old in November 2024. Not sure how you can advocate for him to run for a second term without addressing that particular elephant in the Oval Office.Report

  2. Michael Cain says:

    Buttigieg will never be anointed heir from a position in Transportation. The infrastructure bill is signed, and is full of transportation spending, though. Ask me in a year, if Pete’s the face of successful infrastructure spending and ready to be moved on to something bigger.Report

  3. Jaybird says:

    Joe Biden 2012? Heck, yeah! Remember how he dismantled Paul Ryan in the debate? Good times.

    Biden 2021, however, is not Biden 2012. If you start from 2012-2021 and extrapolate out to 2024 using some best guesses, you could easily come to the conclusion that it might be worth having a conversation about, okay, what if.Report

    • Marchmaine in reply to Jaybird says:

      Biden ’16 would have been Biden’s moment.

      Now he’s too little, too late, too old.

      I hope he lives to a ripe old age on some lovely property in Delaware… but I don’t see him campaigning in 2024.Report

  4. North says:

    While I’m generally sympathetic to the thrust of the post I think it’s quite a bit too soon to be talking about. We’re only just barely coming up on the 1 year mark for fish’s sake.Report

    • Marchmaine in reply to North says:

      I agree it’s too early to start the horse race itself; but its hard to see this horse running again.

      Which makes the Harris/Buttigieg slap fight all the more fascinating as I don’t think either will be in the race at the end.Report

    • Douglas Hayden in reply to North says:

      Reagan didn’t look good until he threw a tiny commie nation up against a wall. GHW Bush looked unbeatable until he didn’t. Clinton got hammered on Hilarycare, and still won a second term. Trump looked like he was headed to late model Hoover/Nixon/Carter numbers until he passed some tax cuts and upgraded to bargain bin Gerald Ford.

      I can’t say where the conventional wisdom on Joe Biden will go over the next three years. I can make some educated guesses, but those are still guesses. I remain the Buddhist Wise Man, “Time will tell.”Report

  5. Koz says:

    I want to be sympathetic to the OP, but I really can’t.

    Demos really need to rally around the flag, to where even if they lose in 2022 they keep the margins as small as possible. To that end, lots of Dems want to stand with Biden, but it’s not just that he’s unpopular, he’s unpopular and checked out. How are Dems going to rally around the Prez when he’d not even rallied around himself?

    The fact that Kamala Harris is even less popular complicates things because the Dems aren’t going to be rallying around her. Tbh, it’s hard to say what the Dems ought to be working for.

    They could start voting Republican and try to be good Americans I guess.Report