Clark Kent Transforms Into Superman

Will Truman

Will Truman is the Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. He is also on Twitter.

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5 Responses

  1. Doctor Jay says:

    The first version you posted isn’t a live link for some reason. And yeah, that’s really different. Interesting that they shot it that way. I kind of like the Lois it shows.

    Also, I don’t find it super credible that Clark would be fooled. We’re fooled, of course, but I’m not sure Clark would be.Report

  2. I hated that scene with the fireplace as a kid because it both made Superman seem like a klutz (because surely even if he was being Clark, he would be talented enough to avoid it) and also kind of an idiot – like, why would anyone do something without realizing it. My mom ended up having to explain to me about the subconscious mind before I finally accepted that maybe it wasn’t THAT ridiculous – although I still wondered why, if Superman is an alien from a totally different planet, would his mind work in such stupid ways like the human mind did.

    First one is definitely better.Report