Weekend Plans Post: On Black Garlic


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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17 Responses

  1. Susara Blommetjie says:

    Very special to have such a relationship with your boss.

    My company is small, only about 40 people, and my team of 10 work very closely together. But we have the atmosphere of a corporate; the people are decent and ehtical and friendly and professional, but there are no personal relationships between employees, never mind between employees and managers.

    The company was spawned from HP. Guess it shows even 15 years later…Report

    • I’ve reached the point in my life where the only new friends I make are co-workers.

      (I define “friends” as “people that I cook with/for and who do the same for me”.)

      I can’t remember the last time I made a non-work friend…Report

      • Susara Blommetjie in reply to Jaybird says:

        That’s why I can’t understand why so many people are absolutely ecstatic at the thought of permanent remote working. I mean yeah I don’t miss my commute either, but frankly work has gobbled it all up in anycase. But if we study virtually, attend zoom gym and work remotely – where are we supposed to make friends? I seem to be holding a minority opinion on this.

        PS I Like your qualifying criteria for a friendship… works for me.Report

        • My colleagues aren’t as much my friends as I once thought they were (I reached out to a couple when I was in an absolute pit of isolation mid-pandemic, and never heard back) but still, I very much prefer in-office working to remote working. I can only assume the remote workers have a bigger house than I do and didn’t have to repurpose a corner of their living room.

          I also did not like how work *psychologically* invaded my home. I don’t think my poor sleep during 2020 was JUST worrying about the pandemic; I think part of it was the feeling that my house was also now my workplace and there was NO ESCAPE.

          as soon as I could go back to the office/lab, I did, and it made a big difference. For me home is for being at home, work is for working, and the two streams should not be crossed.

          I’m hoping once we get back more fully in-person, maybe the work-friendships will rekindle but there are a couple people I was friendly with who went 100% online for this whole academic year and I missed them. I assume they didn’t miss me, though 🙁Report

          • Fish in reply to fillyjonk says:

            “I also did not like how work *psychologically* invaded my home.”

            Oh, me too! I was just doing remote desktop from my home PC to my work PC. It worked well because I already had a great setup at home, but it really sucked the joy out of all leisure time spent at the PC (gaming, watching movies, listening to music, whatever). I was glad to go back to work.Report

        • PERMANENT REMOTE WORKING ON FRIDAYS! And on Mondays until 10AM.Report

  2. Oscar Gordon says:

    Graduation Party tonight for the adopted cousin (adopted at 16, was homeless, absent dad, junkie mom, etc.). She is 19 now, but off to college in the fall, so lots to celebrate.

    Northwest Trek tomorrow.

    Celebrate my birthday and father’s day on Sunday (and I have to finish my college app for the fall program).Report

  3. Marchmaine says:

    If it’s not emulsified within the Aioli DOC, then it’s just spicy Mayo.

    I bet the black garlic is an Umami bomb… will have to experiment some.

    This weekend we have a wedding … we’re at the age where our friend’s children are getting married… sometimes these are children whose diapers we once changed and who are practically siblings to our own children… sometimes they are barely known children of friends. This one is the latter. Still lovely, but makes you realize that the whole affair takes the entire day, and I’m like… is their an express version for friends of the parents?

    Since Saturday is usually date night (see above), we decided to mix-it-up and go wild on Thursday by going… and I’m not making this up… to a MOVIE at a theater (technically an Alamo). First movie since, well, you know. We saw the new Ryan Reynolds movie with Samuel L. Jackson and Salma Hayek and it delivered *exactly* what that movie was going to deliver. Plus a twist and about 100 extra MF bombs than you might have expected… like parody levels of MF, MFers. Really more of a cable movie (which I’ll watch another 20 times while I’m puttering around on my computer)… but you know, until Dune comes out – what are you gonna do?Report

  4. fillyjonk says:

    Slowly circling around deep cleaning my house after almost a year of doing the bare minimum cleaning (because I was probably depressed during the pandemic, and just lacked the executive function to, and also, who was going to come to my house to see how bad it was?).

    got the kitchen and part of the living room done, but in the dining room got derailed reorganizing my approximately 100 cookbooks, which live on a bank of bookshelves in the dining room.I have to make space for the German and traditional-Mexican cookbook I ganked from my mother’s when she said “I’m just gonna donate these books, any you want?”

    tomorrow is another workday at church, but that’s just the morning. Also if I can get myself out of bed early enough I should mow the lawn before thatReport

    • Michael Cain in reply to fillyjonk says:

      Also if I can get myself out of bed early enough I should mow the lawn before that

      When we moved from the traditional inner-ring Denver suburb to the townhouse in Fort Collins, I ran the numbers on exterior work (food for the grass, chemicals to kill the weeds, tree maintenance, paint every so many years, etc) and decided that what I was spending and what the townhouse HOA wanted was a wash. Tuesday mornings are becoming one of my favorite times. I can sit on the front porch and read or write on the laptop, while watching the hired crew take care of the grass and weeds.

      The other day I added things up and including the time when I was responsible for Dad’s grass because of the amount he traveled, I’ve spent just at a half-century shackled by the needs of lawns and bushes.Report

  5. Michael Cain says:

    Perhaps I am the only one here, but to be honest the important differences between being retired on Wednesday and being retired on Saturday are (a) some businesses aren’t open on Saturday so I have to keep track and (b) the bicycle trails and groceries are much more crowded on Saturday.Report

    • fillyjonk in reply to Michael Cain says:

      As a college prof who (some semesters) has a weekday afternoon totally open (no classes or office hours), I often designate that as my errand-day instead of Saturdays because places here are totally slammed on Saturdays and often the people working counters are grumpy (well, I suppose you would be, too, if you were slammed).

      I don’t teach summers so I can go do grocery shopping on a Thursday if I want, or go file paperwork somewhere on a Monday afternoon. It’s much nicer and I feel like working people should get a (staggered, so not everyone has the same day) weekday AT LEAST half off for this purposeReport