Saturday Morning Gaming: Racing Around a Board Game


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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5 Responses

  1. Brandon Berg says:

    Do the dice have non-uniform distributions?Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Brandon Berg says:

      Yes, they do.

      I mean, I suppose you could get a full chart going and check to see what you “really” rolled. “Ooooh! I rolled a 7 that translates to…” (checks chart) “A 12! GOSH DARN IT!”Report

  2. Jaybird says:

    While I was out and about running errands, I stopped by the Super Target that I know gets PS5s from time to time and I spoke with the Electronics Section dude. Here is what he told me and it might be true for your neck of the woods as well:

    They get Playstation 5s regularly now. Like, almost every day. (Not on weekends.) There are usually a few on every truck. They get beeped in around 7AM. A few months ago, he said that the official rules from Sony were that they were kept under lock and key until a specific date and then they’d announce a drop across the country.

    THEY DON’T DO THAT ANY MORE. Now, they are allowed to put them up for sale whenever they come in on the truck. A few weeks ago, he told me, Playstations were hoovered up within minutes of them being beeped in. “They were gone within minutes”. That’s a direct quote.

    Now? He says that they last a few hours and, last week, they had an XBox until after 1PM on one of the days.

    So he suggested just being here at 7AM on a weekday and trying to get one. He said that I’d have good odds.

    (It’s a pity that that involves being there at 7AM on a weekday, though…)Report

  3. Fish says:

    While I don’t think the finishing positions for the people who rolled 1’s and 20’s were ENTIRELY up to them just rolling 1’s and 20’s, I do agree that maybe 4 extra spaces on top of your 1-2 spaces to start is a hell of an advantage when everyone else is only going the 1-2. I’d like to experiment with a house rule getting rid of the stall and giving the “20” 2 free spaces instead of 4. But that game is so much damn fun, and it’s easy, easy, EASY to learn.

    The boys and I played “The Captain Is Dead” (we lost) and “Castle Panic” last night (we won). We’ve decided that we need to reinstate family game night.Report