Things I Learned Teaching During a Global Pandemic

Eloisa Hilton

Eloisa Hilton is an erotica writer from Huntsville, Alabama. She is the author of Treasure Lost, available on Amazon. Her short works can be found on her blog.

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2 Responses

  1. Jaybird says:

    This was a good essay and a perspective I haven’t really seen out there.

    Thank you.Report

  2. Philip H says:

    I have had a life long respect for teachers, professors and other educators – those professions fed me each night as a kid. They also demanded way more of me intellectually then most of my peers. And I am much better for it.

    Teachers are, by and large, a resilient, resourceful and creative group. Collectively they met the challenge of pandemic education as well as they could with the resources they had. We, as a nation, failed you and your colleagues resource wise before the pandemic; we fail you still now. And I fear all the lessons you learned about how expand educational opportunities in crazy times will be lost by an economy that wants to stuff things back into the old, broken down box from which they emerged.Report