Weekend Plans Post: Champing at the Bit


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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26 Responses

  1. Pinky says:

    Did more Americans die from covid-19 or donuts last year? It’d be tough to calculate, because of the comorbidity under, say, age 80.Report

  2. Oscar Gordon says:

    So last night I found a movie on Hulu, called Boss Level. It’s a SciFi action movie staring Frank Grillo & Mel Gibson, and it’s stupid fun.

    Easy peasy time loop premise, like Groundhog Day, but you figure out pretty early what’s causing it. Past that, it’s just Grillo dodging colorful assassins and trying to save the world (and his Ex, and his son).

    I don’t have time for a full workup of it, but if you got time to kill, a Hulu account, and a need for stupid fun…Report

  3. InMD says:

    I was able to get a Johnson & Johnson shot on Monday which hit me like a truck. I don’t know if it was because I’ve never had a reaction to anything like this before but it was hell of weird for me. I’m all better now though which means I’m throwing caution to the wind and kissing strangers, mask free. Just kidding!

    It is just me and my son this weekend while the light of our lives takes a well earned break visiting her friend. I’m aiming for a simple couple days of playgrounds, pizza, and hopefully a nap.Report

    • Marchmaine in reply to InMD says:

      Not J&J related, but my Daughter Fainted after her first Pfizer Shot.

      Shew was convinced she had a ‘reaction’ – she’s a bit of a hypochondriac, though – and not the first time she’s fainted… but she was convinced.

      Anyhow… time for her second shot and she started to get cold-feet reading the warnings on the websites about reactions… etc. I took her to the site, but they wouldn’t let me go with her. Bad tactical move on their part. After going in circles a few times, they finally asked “Do *you* think you should get the second shot?” to which she relpied… “I’m relying on you to advise me” Checkmate, bet you wish her Therapy Father was there now, don’t you.

      While they were stewing on this impasse: she fainted.

      So at least we got clarity on the whole reaction vs. nerves thing… after which they promptly jabbed her.

      She stayed in bed the entire next day… but mostly on the phone telling people about her ‘ordeal’ and how bad she felt.

      …and she’s GenZ, not Milennial 🙂Report

      • InMD in reply to Marchmaine says:

        Wait, did they let her regain consciousness first or take the opportunity to complete the task at hand?Report

        • Marchmaine in reply to InMD says:

          heh… yeah she came to just fine and realized the fainting is just something she does… so she got the jab. They kept her an extra 15 minutes for observations.

          Now, If I’d have been allowed there I might (or might not) have shouted… “quick, now’s your chance” We’ll never know.Report

      • fillyjonk in reply to Marchmaine says:

        I have ALL KINDS of freaky allergies and I admit I was apprehensive about the shot, but I figured: “You have a really low probability of dying from the shot, you have a slightly higher probability of dying from COVID if you get it (over 50, overweight, asthma), and you have a really, really high probability of your mental health going to total h-e-double-hocky-sticks if you’re stuck in the house for months more”

        I did warn the vaccinators and they were like, “okay, cool, go sit over there for half an hour after the vaccine”

        First vaccine, no adverse effects, sore arm some hours later, mild headache that could have been allergies the next day. Second vaccine, no adverse events but definite flu-feeling the day after that lasted 2 days. That was over a weekend but if it had been a work day? I’d still have gone to work. I was achy and a little tired but it wasn’t BAD.

        I didn’t faint but I started to cry with my first shot, but they were tears of relief.Report

  4. North says:

    I got the J&J shot today. Absolutely flew through the process. The Minnesotans have a great vaccination site set up at the mpls Convention center. A hundred nurse stations just going gangbusters. Very satisfying experience.Report

    • InMD in reply to North says:

      Hopefully not overly weird/intrusive but I’d be interested to hear how your experience with it goes. I had a pretty weird 36 hours (peaking around the 12-15 hour mark) after mine. By 48 hours out though side effects had totally vanished.Report

      • North in reply to InMD says:

        Not weird or intrusive at all. Got the shot three hours ago now and, frankly, I feel utterly unaffected as far as I can tell; not even a sore arm. I’m a little disappointed, honestly, was looking for an excuse to take the day off and loaf.Report

        • InMD in reply to North says:

          I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you, not that what I went through was unimaginably awful or anything. By 3 hours i could already tell something was up so hopefully it’s a good sign you aren’t noticing anything. Everyone I know who has had either Pfizer or Moderna has reported either side effects from shot 2, but not shot 1 or no side effects at all. It’d be interesting anecdata if they’re more consistent with the J&J 1 shot method. Of course maybe it was just something about me that would have happened no matter which I got.Report

        • Michael Cain in reply to North says:

          Got my second Moderna shot this past Monday. Tuesday morning my arm had a sore spot and my neck/shoulders/back felt stuff. The nurse had told me I could take Aleve or ibuprofen. Two Aleve took care of those symptoms and I’ve felt fine since. Hope you get off as easy as I did. (Oh, and my first Moderna shot had no side effects.)Report

  5. Jaybird says:

    I am delighted to hear about every single shot.

    This is going to be one heckuva summer.Report

  6. fillyjonk says:

    As for the docket, I still can’t decide whether to go in to the office tomorrow and get caught up on stuff (I lost all of Tuesday afternoon to a kitchen-sink plumbing issue, Tuesday afternoon is usually my “get stuff done” time because I don’t have afternoon classes that day).

    But I’m also hecking tired. We’re ALL hecking tired here. I had four (of sixteen) students attend (or “attend”) one of my classes today. The other ones had better but not perfect attendance (well, the grad student class did). I think the students are just DONE and we need this semester to end. The good news is our uni president is cautiously optimistic we may be able to be more or less fully in-person come fall, and I am here for that.

    I may also make my first venture to shop in-person at the local Mart of Wal tomorrow. I don’t want to go into Texas for groceries; the route there is snarled up badly with construction and I’d rather avoid that until I can’t. And I’m a little tired of the limited selection at the smaller local places. So if I get up and get dressed early enough (before the larger numbers of people are out), I’m goin’ in.

    it’s a huge store. I expect to feel overwhelmed. I have been in a JoAnn Fabrics (the only other large store I’ve been in) but that is still smaller and it was DIFFERENT.

    Might try to finish a quilt top if I don’t go into work tomorrow.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to fillyjonk says:

      How important is it, really, to get caught up on stuff?

      I mean, is this a nice-to-have or a need-to-have?Report

      • fillyjonk in reply to Jaybird says:

        It’s need-to-have-eventually. But I don’t trust my volition to do things between classes (during office hours) or in the afternoon after class any more, and all too often it seems as if some emergency (like the sink thing) come up just as I say “okay now I can sit down and work”Report

  7. LeeEsq says:

    Not exactly a weekend plan but by hook and by crook, read my county sent me a link to set up an appointment after I filled out something online, but I got my first Moderna vaccine dose today.Report

  8. Slade the Leveller says:

    First Moderna shot was last weekend. Mid-May will see the end of the pandemic for me!

    This weekend I’m trying to finish up a bathroom remodel, but I probably won’t, mostly because The Masters is on TV. I have Jordan Spieth in a pool and so far he’s proving to be average.Report

    • The UK variant is now officially the most common strain in the US. Fortunately, all three of the vaccinations in use seem to be effective against it. Less is known about the South African and Brazilian variants. There’s another new variant in India that’s a double mutation. I’m within a week of “fully vaccinated” and my wife will be in just over two weeks. I’m worrying a lot less, especially since the protection against serious illness seems to be almost perfect. Still, my working assumption is that we’ll need a booster sometime in the next year to deal with one or more variants.Report

      • Slade the Leveller in reply to Michael Cain says:

        Oh, yeah, I’m planning on annual flu/covid vaccines for the rest of my life. Not a huge deal. It’s just going to have to be something we live with now.Report