When People Become Stateless

John McCumber

John McCumber is a cybersecurity executive, retired US Air Force officer, and former Cryptologic Fellow of the National Security Agency. In addition to his professional activities, John is a former Professorial Lecturer in Information Security at The George Washington University in Washington, DC and is currently a technical editor and columnist for Security Technology Executive magazine. John is the author of the textbook Assessing and Managing Security Risk in IT Systems: a Structured Methodology

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7 Responses

  1. Damon says:

    “I am not sure our stateless citizens are well-served by this model.” No citizens are served well by this model.Report

  2. Oscar Gordon says:

    Funny that America was largely born of a collective dissatisfaction with distant government trying to get a piece.Report

  3. Philip H says:

    For the time being, the evolving national experiment will continue to move toward an all-powerful, centralized government and a dwindling, apathetic local activism. I am not sure our stateless citizens are well-served by this model.

    Stacy Abrams and her Georgia organizers would like a word with you.Report

  4. CJColucci says:

    I’m rather old myself, and I don’t remember a time when a car with Texas plates was at particular risk of vandalism in New York.Report

    • Philip H in reply to CJColucci says:

      DC Police Parking Enforcement is notorious for ticketing non-DC, MD or VA plates. And down here in Mississippi “northern” tags will often get you a second look but not always a stop.Report

      • Kazzy in reply to Philip H says:

        My understanding of why this happens is because they know people are less likely to challenge a ticket if they have to travel to do so, so ticketing out of state people makes it more likely the ticket holds and the city/state gets the money.Report

    • Michael Cain in reply to CJColucci says:

      Not vandalism, but on my first day of work at Bell Labs in NJ, I was driving my beat up Toyota with Texas tags on the Garden State Parkway. A NJ State Trooper pulled me over, made me get out of the vehicle, went over my car fairly closely, and despite not finding anything gave me a long lecture about all of the gun restrictions in NJ.Report