Money, Power, or Influence

Russell Michaels

Russell is inside his own mind, a comfortable yet silly place. He is also on Twitter.

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8 Responses

  1. Oscar Gordon says:

    Is it said that those who most desire power should be the ones to least have it. But, in practice, those same people are the ones running for office. There doesn’t appear to be a way to counter that. We need a better class of politician but we may not deserve it.

    The best counter is to always keep this in mind and to make sure that the power you grant to such people is always limited in scope and forever re-viewable by the public.Report

  2. Brandon Berg says:

    Look at how being President ages people.

    I don’t think that this is actually true. I think it’s just normal for a man in his late 40s, 50s, or 60s to age visibly over a period of eight years.Report

  3. Jaybird says:

    Over and over and over again, I hear the arguments that assume the upside. We need politicians to have this much power over everybody because of the potential good that could be done.

    We should assume that Donald Trump will be given the power of whatever power we divvy out to any given politician, any given petty functionary, any given clerk.

    And build in checks/balances accordingly.Report

  4. Ozzzy! says:

    Thanks for your thoughts. I do not agree with the implication in the below paragraph that has Money earned has to be related to Corruption. Curious if you meant this implication or it was a transitory that needed more space to be flushed out.

    Thanks in any case. nice little essay.

    “Enough money earned so that you never have to work again if you don’t want to. The corruption involved with this is usually done in pursuit of money. What a person will do for it. The O’Jays even have a song about that.”Report

  5. Dr X says:

    Made me think of something an old Chicago PD friend of mine once said about murders. Almost all murders are driven by one of three motives: money, drugs and sex. So would they be the three desires that make people kill?Report