Who Really Killed Huey Long?

Gabriel Mathy

Gabriel Mathy is an Assistant Professor of Economics at American University

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4 Responses

  1. PD Shaw says:

    This is an enjoyable piece about something I know very little. I do think the Louisiana Capitol building is one of the ugliest in the U.S., and Randy Newman wrote a great song about Huey.


  2. Aaron David says:

    Well, shoot. Now I want to read All the Kings Men again.

    Excellent piece.Report

  3. Burt Likko says:

    I can recall touring the capitol building in Baton Rouge and the tour guide pointing out the bullet holes still in the wall where Long and Weiss were shot to death. It wasn’t clear to me how many were bullet holes and how many were flaws in the marble. Or maybe really really steady shot placement by the troopers.Report

  4. After all, it was you and me.Report