Daily Archive: March 10, 2011
Got the I Don’t Know Where I’m Going, But I’m Going Somewhere in a Hurry Blues
So the book business is in for some very big changes that I suspect will move power away from publishers and agents and toward authors. – John Steel Gordon, Contentions So Gordon writes in...
Subsidiarity and public education
I enjoyed Will’s response to my post very much. I think this is a good idea up to a point. I think the ‘small homogenous’ argument is a bit over-played. That is certainly one...
Fleshing out the University (Pt .4)
(Update: One line changed to directly quote Megan McArdle instead of inaccurately summarizing her position.) I think we’ve nearly sucked all the marrow from the bone of ‘liberal academia’ (in pts. 1, 2, 3). Discussing...