Delusional goat-herds with box-cutters and other threats to the Republic


Will writes from Washington, D.C. (well, Arlington, Virginia). You can reach him at willblogcorrespondence at gmail dot com.

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10 Responses

  1. rj says:

    After boot-quaking over the supposed sharia takeover of central Tennessee, drawing imaginary lines within which free exercise of certain religions is suspended for “sensitivity” the last decade of adventurism in the Muslim world, Derbyshire sums up the ongoing conservative freak-out in one sentence:

    “Alas, the Communist threat is no longer with us.”

    We should really get these guys into homebrewing beer, birdwatching or some other hobby.Report

  2. Mike Schilling says:

    The threat of monolithic international Communism? That ended about 1955. Clever of Derb to finally notice.Report

  3. Kevin Carson says:

    But who’s this “we” that may or may not know about how to advance liberty?

    As far as I can tell, the U.S. government is not “us” but Them LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the investment banks and transnational corporations. And the transnational corporations are only interested in the liberty-advancing thing until a foreign government steps on the TNCs’ toes — at which point they bring in a Pinochet or some death squads.

    They’re great at talking up democracy — so long as it’s engineered by the Soros Foundation, NED or IRI, and they can slap Havel’s or Mandela’s face on it as a brand icon while the new “democratic” government adopts a structural adjustment orders from the IMF and ratifies the latest authoritarian copyright treaty.Report

  4. Will says:

    You guys realize that Derbyshire is criticizing a democracy promotion agenda, right?Report

  5. BlaiseP says:

    Poor old Derbyshire, a day late and a dollar short, marching headlong into the 1980s. Gosh. Everyone who ever did border duty in West Germany knew what he’s just found out: that Communism never works because people like to own stuff.

    Iraq’s always the litmus test for the Derbs of this wicked world. While it is true we have little to fear from the delusional goat herders, we never did. The USA’s entire post-9/11 paranoid fugue was delusional in extremis and when it mattered, Derbyshire was right there in the throng, baying for blood. I am still bitter when I recall saying a re-invasion of Iraq would only open the Tupperware of History, exposing the Science Project of Sectarian Feuds. How I was shouted down in those days!

    The Delusional Goat Herders were nothing but criminals, hijackers and murderers. We do not send entire armies to fight them, we sent policemen and intelligence agencies. I fear Delusional Cowboys.Report