the foul rag and bone shop of real politics
You may have to put some of this in your Helen Rittelmeyer-style “things I believe but cannot prove” file. Fair warning.
I read stuff like this, from John, and am intrigued, and I always think it is cool to see people hashing out these kinds of intra-ideological issues. Matter of fact, it’s kind of my favorite. But I am left, reading John’s post, and many like it from what we might call the American Scene strata of contemporary conservatism, with a deep dissatisfaction and sense of injustice. Because I think that John and Will Wilkinson and many other reformist conservatives have the unfair habit of judging conservatism entirely from the lens of their notional ideals of what conservatism is, but judging liberalism, and the Democratic party, from the lens of vulgar politics.
So, for example, take this idea of the notion that liberalism should be more classically liberal. OK. I can sign on to that, although the devil is in the details and I don’t think that classical liberalism often means what conservatives think it means. But I have to ask: is the relationship that mainstream American conservatism has to classical liberal values really irrelevent, here? Isn’t it fair to point out that the mainstream of American liberalism has some very good claims to being the side that has honored classical liberal values? How far, exactly, should we allow the claim “I’m not one of those conservatives” to take us? And how much do those claims disqualify reformist conservatives from taking any part in the way forward for mainstream conservatism and the GOP?
Consider the notion that liberals are too coersive in spreading their values. See, for example, Noah Millman or Ross Douthat. Maybe so. It’s worth talking about. Am I meant to take it that American conservatism has anything at all to tell American liberalism about the horrors of coercion? Linker was critiquing “theocons,” after all, and I find few groups more amenable to coercion than religious conservatives. And am I meant to simply say that although they claim the mantle of conservatism, like their mainstream peers, there is no connection to be made there? I’m not asking these questions from a purely rhetorical standpoint. I think they are real questions. But I also think that they are questions that imply something fair.
In the comments of that post, John says “I’m not sure what party you’re talking about, but the GOP ain’t mine.” Fair enough. John doesn’t want to be associated with the Republican party. I am a Democrat, but certainly that allegiance is inferior than that I hold to procedure (first) and policy (second). It is definitely the case that the Democratic party, as it is currently constituted, is not going to up and adopt a policy platform consistent with my beliefs. But I don’t think that it is responsible or pragmatic of me to declare myself a stranger to either the Democratic party or American liberalism, nor do I think that the liberals who I disagree with on many subjects are totally outside of my area of responsibility. I dislike the idea that we can declare ourselves political islands for the same reason that I tend to dislike people saying “I’m politically uncategorizable!” You’re entitled to do so but the consequences tend to be far greater than people imagine, and few tend to really live up to them when push comes to shove.
What you risk is what I think is broadly true of reformist conservatism, that it hops on and off the bus of the GOP and mainstream conservatism as it sees fit, and as benefits it in its battles with liberalism. You can’t reform a movement from within when you want to but not be considered at all responsible for its failings when it suits you. That’s the challenge for many conservatives, to be advocates of a radically different conservatism than the one we have while not succumbing to the temptation to wash their hands of what conservatism actually means in practical terms. (Incidentally I think this mirrors the fact that conservatism, so long out of real power, had the minority’s benefit of pure criticism; but when exposed to the real responsibilities and realities of power, had a much harder time of it. The great seduction of the Bush years for conservatives is to uncritically accept the idea that Bush was just a uniquely incompetent traitor to the right, and that none of this administration’s failings are reflective on conservatism in general.)
Ross Douthat once wrote somewhere that the history of conservatism is a history of beautiful losers. I think that there are indeed a great many beautiful people in the conservative intelligentsia today; I’m honored to call some friends. But you can’t allow yourself to see only the beautiful dreamers and ignore the great mass of conservatives who don’t like the reformers and have no intention of letting them steer the ideology or the Republican party.
I don’t expect my reformist conservative friends to agree. But this seems to me to be a simple truth: that this reformist, philosophical conservatism is not even close to representing any kind of consensus within what we might conventionally call the American right. That’s not very troubling. But I also don’t see them making much headway, and that is troubling. Until they do, I find that there is something unfair about their tendency to hang liberals by the thumbs for so many of the failings of our imperfect but real agenda while ignoring the failings of the conservative movement as it exists– and I define those failings only insofar as the reformist conservatives define them, for the purposes of discussion.
All of this takes me back again to my constant suspicion, that American conservatism, and especially reformist conservatism, is inherently reactive, that it still has crafted no purely positive vision, that for all of our failings conservatives are still fundamentally looking over their shoulders and critiquing us. I think that many of them want more for their movement, but expect more from ours, and someday, if reform is to come to the American conservative movement, it will have to come from an honest accounting of that fact. And with that accounting, it seems to me, must come credit, credit for liberalism, credit for liberals.
Update: It occurs to me that, insofar as he has never claimed interest in being a reformer of conservatism, Will Wilkinson was a stunningly poor example for me to choose. Withdrawn in embarrassment. Please see also John Schwenkler and Daniel Larison.
Well, one thing that’s important to note here is that Wilkinson (like me) is not a reformist conservative, and I don’t think it’s quite fair – to either group – to lump reformist libertarians as the same group as reformist conservatives. One of the things that I’ve been trying to point in my last few posts is that, although conservatism and libertarianism are often to be found as political allies, they share very different philosophical roots. While I do not want to pretend to speak for Wilkinson, the idea of reformist libertarianism is precisely to separate it from conservatism and to bring it back more to its classical roots, and to acknowledge that the affiliation between the two distinct ideologies has at the very least corrupted libertarianism (and quite possibly has corrupted both). But that doesn’t mean we stop being libertarians.
In fact, in many ways, a critique of liberalism is even more important to reformist libertarians than a critique of conservatism – we’ve essentially given up trying to move conservatism in a more libertarian direction, and recognize that in many ways we may have more in common, at least philosophically, with modern liberals. Because of that, we (well, at least I, since I can’t speak for others) believe that critiquing liberals may actually do some good in terms of changing liberals’ minds.
And when you’re talking about either reformist conservatives or reformist libertarians, I think it’s important to recognize that at the moment liberals have complete control over the policy direction of the country. So a critique of conservatives doesn’t really have much value since conservatives don’t have much control over policy.
As for the articulation of a purely positive vision of society, I think that’s where the difference between reformist conservatives and reformist libertarians is most significant. The reformist conservative is much more Burkean by nature, and is thus deeply suspicious of politically-mandated change; articulation of a positive vision for society is simply incompatible with this worldview, which at its core rejects idealism of almost any sort (I don’t think this is a bad thing, by the way, and is in fact a tremendously important counterweight to radicalism). But reformist libertarians absolutely hold to an idealistic vision of society (even if it’s not exactly utopian in the traditional meaning of that word), and for that reason I think reformist libertarians typically advocate quite strongly for specific and significant policy changes.Report
Freddie, I’m not sure exactly what your point is here. First of all, reformist conservatives spend at least as much time (probably more) criticizing the conservative movement than they do liberals. And wasn’t this your problem with Kaus the other day? That he spent so much time rebuking liberals instead of the other side? Now you flip this logic on its head when applied to reformist conservatives?
And second, you assert that, in a sense, this reformist movement is marginal and pointless – but what a ludicrous notion! Of course all “reformist” movements begin this way. But look to the UK to see how reformers took over the movement and in a big way have regained British trust. Failures of the modern American conservative movement expose its weakness to internal reform as well. But if conservative reformists don’t also evaluate the liberal movement at the same time, what sort of answer will they have? How can they form a “purely positive vision” without taking to task conservatives and liberals?Report
But, of course, I’m not saying that reformist conservatives are insufficiently critical of mainstream conservatives, nor am I saying that they are overly critical of mainstream liberalism. I am saying that they are insufficiently intellectual responsible to mainstream conservatism in their prosecution of various disagreements with mainstream liberalism, and too often ready to declare their complete detachment from mainstream conservatism in doing so. You can be a true outsider from the political order, the way anarchists and real Marxists are, but you most certainly cannot jump into that persona when suited but also take over the movement and win back American trust.Report
His first point, as I take it, is that reformist conservatives talk as if all liberals are responsible for the sins of the Democratic Party, while simultaneously holding that they bear no responsibility for the sins of the Republican Party.
I’m jumping ship on most of the rest of his points, but that one at least is absolutely fair. And absolutely true. The first time I see Reihan Salam (the shining example of conservative glibness, but not a unique example by any means) acknowledge that he, as a conservative, bears some intellectual responsibility for the sins of conservative Republican government will be the first time that has ever happened.Report
Freddie –
Great post. One thing I’d suggest is that mainstream liberals are more willing to listen to dissidents than their Republican counterparts. After a dismal 2004 election cycle, progressive activists were actively courted by the Democratic Party and, in a few cases, actually co-0pted by establishment institutions (Dean as DNC chair comes to mind).
Mainstream conservatism, on the other hand, seems a lot less hospitable to dissident intellectuals. Holding liberal intellectuals accountable for their party’s actions actually makes sense in a world where they wield a significant amount of influence over the progressive movement. Holding fringe conservatives responsible for a party that simply isn’t interested in their input, on the other hand, doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.Report
“‘ ‘I’m not one of those conservatives….’ ” Freddie writes as an imagined response of a reformer conservative trying to shift or avoid blame.
Will replies, “Holding fringe conservatives responsible for a party that simply isn’t interested in their input, on the other hand, doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.”
So we should hold Daniel Larison responsible for the war in Iraq? I understand holding cheerleaders like Frum who have now donned the mantle of “reformer” responsible, but there are many independent conservatives out there that did not take part in the Bush orgy….
Just sayin.Report
No, but I think we recognize that Larison’s detachment from mainstream conservatism gives him less ability to make positive change in that movement. I’m not asking for people to compromise their principles in either direction. I’m asking all of us, and reformist conservatives in particular, to consider the consequences of their outsider status, and am wondering aloud if they aren’t sometimes inconsistent or unfair in claiming it.Report
Would Larison ever hold Freddie responsible for something inane done by Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid? It seems to me that the answer is no. Freddie’s point is ultimately about quid pro quo, I think. And it certainly isn’t directed a people like Larison, who aren’t even plausibly part of the reformist project. To borrow and amend my language from above, the next time Larison expresses some partisan interest in the political prospects of the GOP will be the first.
As you indicate, it is people like Frum and Salam who should be nailed to the wall for this behavior, as they are, in a deep sense, *not* independent of the GOP. Frum (a Bush cheerleader) and Salam (a McCain cheerleader) should not be allowed the kind of rhetorical distance they aim for and that Freddie wants to deny them.Report
I disagree Freddie. For example, hearken back to Austin Bramwell’s piece urging non-participation in the “movement.”
I think there’s a lot of truth to this. Sometimes if you try to work from within, you just get stuck…Report
Ryan, I agree. That’s a good point. I think it’s important to distinguish exactly who we’re referring to here, and Freddie’s post was unclear…Report
Certainly, I would exclude Larison from this project, as I don’t think he’s ever made any bones about his disconnect from the Republican party or movement conservatism.
What I’m really reacting to is what I perceive as backseat drivers who claim no responsibility when the car crashes. I like where they wanted to take the car much, much better than I do the people who were actually driving, and lord knows, they bear less blame than the guy at the wheel. But I do think that they should either admit their desire to drive or get out of the car; that way when the bill from the repairs come due, there’s less arguing about who has to pay.
How’s that for an overworked metaphor?Report
E.D. I’m not sure who you were addressing in #7 but if it was me, yeah to some extent I might hold Lairson responsible for the Bush administration. Hell, I do hold him responsible. As well as any one who provided cover for that criminal infested presidency.
To bad those you describe here, “but there are many independent conservatives out there that did not take part in the Bush orgy….” did not have the power to counter that orgy.
I know, you’re not one of those conservatives.Report
Bob, I opposed the Bush invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan while the Democrats in Congress caved and fell over themselves in their hurry to lick the President’s boots. I think a good deal of the so-called Left needs to be held accountable as well as much of the right. Once again, my problem with this post was one of confusion. Freddie is right, I just don’t think he made himself terribly clear.Report
E.D. you’ll get no argument from me on that point. The Democrats, for the most part, acted shamelessly. History will judge Bush, Congressional Republicans and Democrats harshly. Let me be clear, Congressional Democrats were cowards and many have apologized for their vote. But that is not worth spit compared to the thousands of deaths and maimings suffered by Iraqi’s and soldiers sent to fight that misbegotten war.Report