Tagged: security

The Importance of Farm Subsidies

It’s almost that time of year. Farmers around the country are buying seed and other supplies, getting their equipment in working order. Last year was a boom year for agriculture and this year is...

Fallows on Douthat

Commenter Geoff Arnolds points us to this James Fallows piece. Fallows takes issue with the Douthat column I linked to earlier. Interestingly, in the entirety of the arguments laid out by Fallows, he somehow...

The will of the people and other illusions

“It’s important to remember, though, that we’ve empowered the government to do this. We’ve decided, collectively, that our fears override our common sense, and we’ve accepted every step-up in security up to this point....

The crazy misadventures of the TSA

Another fun TSA fail via Cory Doctorow (note, this is not Cory speaking, it is a letter from an anonymous soldier): So we’re in line, going through one at a time. One of our...

What sort of country do you want to live in?

Perhaps a country where airport security can inflict this upon your children: The reporter, also the father, has a pretty level-headed approach to this whole thing. I imagine I would have been arrested for...