Tagged: open threads

Open Thread: The Banks

Burt Likko notices that JP Morgan may be on the verge of buying up Bank of America – with lots of government help. Too big to fail gets even more entrenched. I think we...

Changing Minds

Adam Ozemik: Think about beliefs that you hold and imagine yourself changing your mind. Literally imagine waking up tomorrow with a changed mind and imagine how you would or wouldn’t discuss changing your mind...

Political Compass Open Thread

Here’s the quiz. I scored a (Libertarian)/Authoritarian (-7.38) and Left/(Right) (.5) which puts me pretty far to the social-libertarian side of the spectrum, and just a tiny bit to the right. I don’t think...

oldsmar water plant hack

Another Keynes & Hayek Open-Thread

“In my opinion it is a grand book…. Morally and philosophically I find myself in agreement with virtually the whole of it: and not only in agreement with it, but in deeply moved agreement.”...

Another Open Thread

Okay, this one is for people who want to talk about what video games they’re playing right now so that I can enjoy them by proxy. Or any good books people might be reading...