Tagged: Libya

The US prepares for war with Libya

This is bad news: As loyalist Libyan forces bomb the rebel stronghold of Benghazi, the United States is pushing the United Nations to authorize not only a no-fly zone but airstrikes against Libyan tanks...

Israel in 2008 and America in 2011

In the summer of 2006, Israel sent forces into Lebanon.  The strike, while tactically successful, failed on two terms: on the diplomatic level, where Israel began to turn a number of lukewarm friends into...

“What we can do in Libya”

Here’s a shockingly good editorial from National Review on why enforcing a no-fly zone over Libya is a bad idea. Tucked away in the middle of the piece is what sounds like a belated...

US Intervention in Libya

After decades of botched meddling in other nations’ domestic affairs, American foreign policy reached fever pitch during the Bush administration. More often than not, our meddling has resulted in backlash or terrible unintended consequences,...