Tagged: globalism


Note: This post is part of our League Symposium on inequality. You can read the introductory post for the Symposium here. To see a list of all posts in the Symposium so far, click...

now that i have a kid…

…everything is scarier, more urgent.  Like this swine flu epidemic.  I’m really nervous about this, especially living in Arizona.  Roque – keep healthy down in Mexico, man…. (you are in Mexico, right?)

What the Iraq War Is and What it Isn’t

Let’s start with “isn’t” first: ________________________________________ It’s not a war just about spreading democracy. It’s not a war just about oil. It’s not a war just about stopping a brutal dictator who supposedly had...

Localism Saved by Globalism, Cont’d

UPDATE, 3/25: In response to some accurate criticism, I have pulled back some of the arguments made in the below post; my revised argument can be found here. The good Mr. Dr. Larison has...

Why Localism Requires Globalism

UPDATE, 3/25: In response to some accurate criticism, I have pulled back some of the arguments made in the below post; my revised argument can be found here. Over the last few weeks, some...