Tagged: Edward Snowden

Edward Snowden: Straining the Quality of Mercy

by Creon Critic The NY Times Editorial Board does their best to present the argument that Edward Snowden’s disclosure of classified US documents makes him a whistleblower, and that further, Snowden deserves clemency or...

Driving Blind: Detain and Hold

In the UK, government officials threaten legal action against a newspaper for reporting on state secrets. In the U.S., the executive editor of The New York Times does a Q&A on, among other things, why she’s not actually a mean person.

Well, his name does start with “Snow”

Writing in The Toronto Star, Thomas Walkom argues that Canada should provide sanctuary for Edward Snowden: “By all rights, Snowden should be a Conservative poster boy. He has upheld the rights of the individual against...

Anonymous Source Says

The APs Kimberly Dozier reports that two anonymous officials and one unnamed “lawmaker” believe terrorist groups have altered how they communicate since the information contained in Edward Snowden’s leaks became public.

Snowden is an Idiot and Possibly a Traitor

Time permitting, I’ll try to comment on Charlie Rose’s interview with President Obama. Meanwhile, here’s a post up at The Atlantic by Matt Schiavenza. Both what he has to say, and the comment section below...

Let the Character Assassinations Begin

It comes with the territory obviously, but its predictability doesn’t make it any less ridiculous or frustrating. Jeffrey Toobin and David Brooks have fired the first shots, outlining the many failings of Edward Snowden because...