Arkansas Governor Hutchinson Vetoes Transgender Medical Treatment Ban
In a surprise to many, Republican Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson has vetoed his state’s legislation aimed at medical treatments for transgender youths.
In a surprise to many, Republican Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson has vetoed his state’s legislation aimed at medical treatments for transgender youths.
Watch her announcement and discuss Sarah Huckabee Sanders as she announces a long-rumored run for the statehouse in Little Rock.
And another thing: it’s really not such a good thing from a vehicular maintenance perspective.
Turns out, a Muslim prisoner has a right to grow a beard even if the warden doesn’t want him to. Burt Likko digests today’s big SCOTUS case of Holt v. Hobbs to reveal something about what this means for those of us who aren’t Muslims in prison.
1) Voter registration. Kentucky, West Virginia, and Arkansas are disproportionately Democratic—that is, when you compare voting preferences with party identification. In Kentucky and West Virginia, the margins are 56-37 and 54-29, respectively. While the Old,...