Movie of a Young Man Calling on a Lady Friend
If you’re ready the second he shows up, he won’t appreciate you.
If you’re ready the second he shows up, he won’t appreciate you.
I am very thankful for those Frommer’s recommendations during what proved to be a formative period of my own life.
Keeping Trump focused and tethered to reality is the only way to salvage the next four years to any extent.
As always, the best thing you can do for the Ordinary Crew is to read, comment, and participate. As well as tell your friends about the site and any articles you like.
What is a man? This week’s free game from the Epic Game Store is the Castlevania Anniversary Collection.
The trick to a good reading of most poetry seems to be in courting but not abusing suspension of disbelief.
If North Koreans can be moved to Russia they can be moved to Syria or Africa. Two places where Russia sells its brand of security. Brutal, violent and cruel.
Learning from our mistakes is not historically our strong suit, but will we this time? Jury is still out.
Much post-mortem election caterwauling is less analysis and more flagellation of the electorate that didn’t vote the way it was supposed to
To paraphrase H.L. Mencken, Americans voted for Trumpism and they deserve to get it good and hard.
As President-elect Donald Trump continues to fill out his administration, much attention is being paid to his cabinet level and senior staffing positions.
I managed to get to the theaters thirteen times in September with nine movies otherwise, including one repeat, for a total of twenty-one reviews. An interesting month, no doubt.