As if you needed another reason to hate LA
How arrogant are the Lakers? Thanks for asking. So arrogant that they feel free to change the lyrics of the national anthem. Now, fans cheer different parts of the anthem for partisan reasons all...
How arrogant are the Lakers? Thanks for asking. So arrogant that they feel free to change the lyrics of the national anthem. Now, fans cheer different parts of the anthem for partisan reasons all...
After an unbearably over-hyped build-up, Barcelona’s 2-0 victory over Manchester United was pretty darn anti-climactic. Adding insult to injury, the match forced casual or otherwise unaffiliated fans to choose the lesser of two (great)...
Jay Bennett passed away yesterday. He’ll be missed. Wilco hit a rough patch after he left the band.
A cogent point from the Minnesota Timberwolves’ Mark Madsen: When the congressional hearing of Jose Canseco vs. other MLB players created questions about steroid use, Congress acted quickly and decisively and spent the next...
Sonny Bunch responds to my earlier post, arguing that overseas military operations divert potential terrorists from domestic attacks. I think this is pretty unpersuasive: 1.) The most spectacular terrorist attack ever carried out -September...
TAP’s Adam Serwer (emphasis mine): I don’t buy this framing. The fact is that there is no middle ground when it comes to due process. With his soaring and sincere rhetoric, the president has...
In the wake of another botched terror attack, it’s worth noting that the Islamists’ post-9/11 track record is pretty terrible (keep in mind this is in spite of the well-documented incompetence of Homeland Security)....
The author of The Village Voice’s Terminator review must be a Jim Webb fan (emphasis mine): Moon Bloodgood‘s pilot is introduced shaking a luxuriant mane loose from her flight helmet, making a Jennifer Beals–in-Flashdance...
Over at the Daily Dish, Lane Wallace bravely defends the liberal arts (from whom, I wonder – colleges’ burgeoning admissions rolls?), arguing that a humanities degree is somehow necessary to grasp ambiguity and encourage...
There are more than a few compelling reasons to avoid a completely homogeneous workforce, but Matt Labash’s look at sclerotic diversity industry is still pretty damning (and hilarious): Indeed, Peggy Norris, a private-sector contract...
This is, without a doubt, the creepiest thing you will read all week: The responding officers — eight teenage boys and girls, the youngest 14 — face tripwire, a thin cloud of poisonous gas...
Via Reason, here’s an interesting article on Europe and the United States’ cultural and political commonalities. Worth keeping in mind amid all the talk of “Euro-socialism” and “Islamification.”
Or questioning the extent of his audience. Or his talent for talk radio. Or any of that stuff. I mean, seriously. The point – restated here with more patience than I could ever muster...
And the headline really doesn’t do justice to how badass this sounds. I just hope someone acquires the movie rights.
Quoting a cheesy Killers song would seem to be the only appropriate response to Geert Wilders, whose messiah complex has led him to formulate this marvelously incoherent set of principles for “saving” the West:...
No, we probably shouldn’t be in the business of creating special protections for homeless victims, but this latest bout of legislative idiocy has provoked some uncommonly silly responses. Obviously, intent matters. If someone is...