Author: Will

Paul Erhlich’s Greatest Hits

Inspired by David Harsanyi’s excellent take-down of Dr. John Holdren, newly-installed director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, I decided to to revisit the predictive track-record of Holdren’s erstwhile co-author,...

The Final Revival of Opal and Nev

Nothing To See Here

One cost-free way for conservatives to appeal to minority voters would be to do a better job of policing internal discourse. After all, repeating “Party of Lincoln!” ad nauseum doesn’t really help things when...

On Blogging

Felix Salmon has some advice for prospective bloggers. The whole thing is worth reading, but this segment jumped out at me: As always, there’s a trade-off between quantity and quality. Should you write more,...

The Tipping Point

When Andrew Sullivan isn’t doing his best to erase any memory of his vital contribution to the medium, he’s actually a very good blogger. His intensely personal take on the ‘tipping point’ of the...