Author: Will

Widespread Panic

I was going to debunk Andy McCarthy’s un-sourced descent into the fever swamps of ”Obama Birther-ism”, but Philip Klein has already gone and done the work for me, so go give his piece a...

Slippery Slopes

Andrew Sullivan’s dissection of one Boston cop’s overtly racist response to the Gates arrest is worth reading in full, but this part caught my eye: And the more you read, the more you realize...

Practice what you preach

While I suppose we should all be glad that Townhall has officially disavowed the Obama ‘Birther’ movement, it’s hard to take them seriously when they’re simultaneously sending out ads for Birther merchandise.


absolutely nails the lessons of the Gates affair here. I’ve tried to avoid speculating about the responding officer’s motives, and I think we can draw valuable lessons about the limits of police power from...

Second Thoughts

Over at First Thoughts, Joe Carter has one of the more measured, intelligent responses to the Gates arrest. You should read the whole thing, but the crux of his argument seems to be that...


Jon Krolik of the aptly-titled “Cavs: The Blog” has a fun entry (complete with visuals!) on the recent revelation that LeBron James did in fact smoke pot in high school. Which is weird, because...

Garden State

I just stumbled across this old post from Reihan Salam’s new policy blog, wherein he offers a very Foucauldian take on whether we have a right to healthcare. Definitely worth a read.

Due Deference

[updated below] National Review’s obnoxious (and predictable) response to the mistaken arrest of a black Harvard professor has been to publish this truly remarkable post from Roger Clegg: Even if race played some role...


David Simon implores the New York Times and Washington Post to work together to save traditional journalism: On a specific date in the near future—let’s say September 1 for the sheer immediacy of it—both...