Author: Michael Siegel

Michael Siegel is an astronomer living in Pennsylvania. He blogs at his own site, and has written a novel.
National Partnership for Reinventing Government 35

Musk vs Gore

DOGE? No, I’m jumping in the Wayback Machine and talking about the National Partnership for Reinventing Government (NPR)

The Colombia gambit 24

The Colombia Gambit

It’s only been a week and this cadre of fools is already confirming what we knew: that they are massively unfit for office.

The Shakedown 29

The Shakedown

As we ramp up to the second Trump Presidency, corporations are lining up to throw money at the incoming President.

Turkeys and drumsticks 16

Turkeys and Drumsticks 2024

Donald Trump is now permanently ineligible for these awards since he was the first recipient of the lifetime achievement award last year.

He got away with it 129

He Got Away With It

I’ve sometimes been told that my animosity toward Trump and Trumpism verges on the irrational — “Trump Derangement Syndrome”, as his most ardent defenders call it.