Author: Rufus F.

Mexican Standoff

An update to that horrific story about the missing student teachers (normalistas) in Iguala, Mexico: the Mayor and his wife have been arrested, the Governor has resigned, a state prosecutor stepped down, a police...

Fue el Estado

In the L.A. Times, Professor Rubén Martínez offers a horrific tale from Guerrero State, Mexico, of 43 students disappeared into the abyss via “a thoroughly contaminated state, one in which the narco is the...


I’m sitting in the public library, where a volunteer is explaining the contents to a group of recent immigrants to Canada. “It’s not real. Fiction is not real,” she explains. Says you! I think.


In Satrah, Punjab recently the esteem that had been cruelly stripped from one family was blissfully restored when Dilshad Bibi, acting with great dignity, honorably slashed open his daughter’s throat in front of a...