On Believing Republican Politicians
In three states led by Republicans, its now or soon will be legal to hunt people helping women seeking abortions, prosecute them under civil law, and be rewarded financially for that persecution.
In three states led by Republicans, its now or soon will be legal to hunt people helping women seeking abortions, prosecute them under civil law, and be rewarded financially for that persecution.
American Christianity has gotten away from its obligations as they seek to preserve the status quo ante politically where they are “in charge.”
The Climate Crisis was, and remains, a choice. Or we can recognize that we made, and continue to make, choices that got us here.
Once again, white men decided independently of any legal authority that a black man in their neighborhood was not where he should be
After all, if Mississippi can figure medical marijuana out, surely the opposing ends of Pennsylvania Avenue can as well.
Huge misperceptions by the kids of the upper middle/upper class in America fuel bad economic policies and keep us from grappling with our real conditions
It’s becoming clearer and clearer that the Trump Campaign was working hard to plan, engineer, and maybe even attempted a coup.
Police reform is in the usual political doldrums…The battlefront seems to have moved to District Attorneys
They don’t for one second desire to follow the “Rule of Law” regarding voter fraud unless it serves their naked power grabs
With news that California Congressman Devin Nunes is now “retiring” one has to wonder what Devin Nunes Cow will now do for a living
Not quite a year into the Biden Presidency, and pundits and commentators are trying to hang unliftable millstones around Joe Biden’s neck
So is the left in America authoritarian? Does it contain authoritarian elements? Am I just in my own little bubble?
Joe Biden became president largely as the anti-Trump, and the Democrats coalition being willing to choose safe and sound over progress
Questioning the work of Haidt work on how liberals fail to understand conservatives and how conservatives very much understand liberals.