I know we should know better by now…
…but what the flying fish is Sullivan thinking with this quasi-eulogy of Pat Buchanan’s career?
…but what the flying fish is Sullivan thinking with this quasi-eulogy of Pat Buchanan’s career?
An interesting piece in the Harvard Business Review about the problems present in the current financial sector and the incentive system created by a financial-market based compensation system. Read the whole thing, it’s quite...
Hello, dear reader! I’m currently still working on matters to do with piracy, but I thought I might touch briefly on new economic information coming out of Europe. Eurostat, the directorate responsible for European...
Yes, I’m well aware, dear reader that I promised in some respects to not be an “all war, all the time” IR blogger. This does not preclude me from making an occasional observation on...
Just to let y’all know I’m still about. Should have a piece about piracy and its economic costs out soon, also looking into getting a guest post about CERN at some point soon. Any...
Welcome back, dear reader. Fresh from the waters of history, we move on to a different kind of ship. Today we tackle the beast known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The 21st century will see...
Today dear reader, we set sail back to March 25, 1807 when the British Parliament passed the Slave Trade Act of 1807. What seems a piece of historical trivia is also the start of an...
For my first post here at the League, I’d like to start with something a little obscure, but sufficiently interesting to touch off a little discussion. While obscured by domestic events, the year 2010...
Hello dear reader, welcome to my very first front page post. Most of you have seen me in and about these parts over the past few years, but for those who have not had...