Author: Nob Akimoto

Nob Akimoto is a policy analyst and part-time dungeon master. When not talking endlessly about matters of public policy, he is a dungeon master on the NWN World of Avlis

Rand Paul: Privacy Crusader!

Senate Bill 2685, the “USA Freedom Act” which would have placed significant new safeguards into electronic surveillance and ended the NSA’s meta-data collection program came up for a cloture vote today….

Which is more depressing….?

The article itself or the comments section? This is post-racial America, where simply liking rap music is grounds to be declared “no angel” and having your murder by cops justified by angry white men.

Hopefully the end of it.

In non-cops being horrible news. The Obama Administration announces the work-around for the Hobby Lobby ruling. So yes, they basically expanded the religious institution exemption to Hobby Lobby. This should probably have simply been...

Meet the Teams: Nippon

Although overshadowed by the performance of the Nadeshiko Japan and the glorious play of Homare Sawa in the last few years, the Samurai Blues look to make an impact on their fifth consecutive World Cup. With...