Author: Kazzy
Kazzy’s Unified Theory on Unions
I am far, far, far from an expert on labor practice. So why the hell shouldn’t I have my own theory on how unions should function?
How ‘Bout This?
With Rob Gronkowski destroying his knee on a perfectly legal low hit, there is some rumbling in NFL circles about whether such hits should be, in fact, legal. Despite some defenders predicting that just...
Context, It Seems, Does Matter
Imagine, if you will, that you and I are standing in my backyard. We are tossing a football back and forth. Eventually, this simple game of catch ceases to suffice and we begin to...
And Down the Stretch They Come
Just four weeks remain in the NFL regular season. How do the powers line up? Here are one man’s thoughts…
No. Nope. Absolutely not. I’m sorry, Faith Christian Academy of Orlando, expulsion is exactly the wrong way to respond to the harassment of a student.
I’m a Monster
Not only do I not think Walmart is the source of all evils in the world, but I actually have gotten over my elitist sense of the place and now consider myself a customer....
For the second year in a row, the voters have elected the wrong man for the American League Most Valuable Player award. Miguel Cabrera won his second MVP in a row, again besting Mike...
Close To Home
It likely didn’t dominate the national news because there were no victims save for the shooter himself, but a gunman recently opened fire at a large mall just a few minutes from where I...
Separation of Church and Mail
Observed: The counter people at the local post office dressed as a nun and a priest the day before Halloween. Part of me feels like that’s wrong but part of me also feels like...
Halfway Highlights
With 8 weeks behind us, let’s re-assess the contenders and the pretenders in the NFL. The criteria are the same: I rank teams based on how I think they’d fare against one another in...
People are Dumb
A recent public survey of the most disliked NFL players reveals how dumb people can be. And not just because Tim Tebow was left off the list.