Author: James Hanley
World Cup Update
So who’s adjusting their odds on Brazil winning the whole tournament? Meanwhile, I’m enjoying my surmountable lead over my soccer-knowledge-superiors Burt and Mark.
Tuesday Writing Prompt: Going Somewhere?
Mike Dwyer has graciously allowed me to poach on his territory by writing a Tuesday Writing Prompt. I’ll set the scene, and you all continue the story in the comments section. Mississipppi, July, sweat...
Explaining Soccer
Mike Dwyer asked us to explain the appeal of soccer. Here’s my attempt, using a goal the Netherlands’ Robin Van Persie scored today. First watch the video of the goal, then I’ll break it...
Meet the Teams: Holland
By their orange you shall know them. Although the Dutch flag is red, white, and blue, the royal family is from the House of Orange-Nassau.* The House of Orange knows how to do modern...
Hanley’s Old House, Episode 2
Hanley Cleans Out His Utility Room, and You Won’t Believe What Happens Next (Shocking)!
Is anyone else watching AMC’s Turn, and if so, what do you think of it? I think they made a very creative choice for the theme song and title sequence. The rest I’m not...
Democracy and Coercion
“So you get angry at being portrayed as a caricature, and your notion of dispelling that image is to say “Democracy is coercion”?
OK, let’s explore that.
I’ll Be Your Handyman: A Photo Essay
Kids smash walls, and a small home repair job keeps getting bigger as a century old problem is finally fixed.
The Icemen Cometh?
In the comments of my Eye of the Storm post, Roger wrote: In general moderate warming is vastly preferable to moderate cooling At the risk of being called a denialist, or just being called...
Voter Suppression!
This was the sign at the entrance to the polling place today (a local school millage vote).
This Is What Plagiarism Looks Like
Plagiarism is rampant in American higher education, so I have my students upload their papers through an automatic plagiarism checker. And a good thing, too, as this example shows. Seems a bit harsh to...
Same-sex Marriage–The Next Step
Since Justice Kennedy openly invited challenges to state bans on same-sex marriage in last year’s Windsor case, there has been a string of federal district court rulings, unanimously in favor of SSM. Today the...
I Want to Watch Michelle Malkin Cry
California goes plurality Hispanic, spelling trouble for the GOP.