Notes from a litigious society
I would like to congratulate Justice Paul Wooten of the State Supreme Court in Manhattan for his no-nonsense ruling that 4-year-old children should be open to lawsuits for biking recklessly. In the case of...
I would like to congratulate Justice Paul Wooten of the State Supreme Court in Manhattan for his no-nonsense ruling that 4-year-old children should be open to lawsuits for biking recklessly. In the case of...
Here’s an odd statement from Andrew Sullivan: A search for a single mention of Prop 19 in today’s National Review found only this measured piece by Reihan, one of our most illustrious Dish alums....
I agree entirely with Jonah Goldberg’s viewing of the Obama/Jon Stewart interview: I apologize for not focusing on this pressing matter earlier, but I’ve only just now actually watched the apparently infamous "dude" scene...
Writing at National Review, Conrad Black has many disparaging things to say about the War on Drugs and about the prohibition of marijuana specifically. For example: For blacks, the chances of being arrested and...
NPR has an extraordinary scoop on the birth of Arizona’s controversial SB 1070 illegal immigration law: Last year, two men showed up in Benson, Ariz., a small desert town 60 miles from the Mexico...
This video – via Radley Balko’s digs – is a good illustration of the many job-destroying, prosperity-hampering, mind-boggling regulations that various local governments have in place which make it harder for you and me...
Writing over at The Corner, Kevin Williamson points to the No on Proposition 19 campaign’s website, which has the following statement beneath the picture of a smashed up school bus: On average, a drunk...
This is a pretty excellent chart from Reason illustrating just how terrible the immigration process really is for people attempting to come here and work legally. It’s pretty obvious that until we change this,...
Mike Farmer objects to my criticism of Fox News as a network which appeals to the doing brain rather than the thinking brain: E.D. Kain tries to write a fair and balanced post on...
I like this Marco Rubio ad because it’s positive, avoids cheap shots at Charlie Crist even though Crist has made himself a very easy target, and because, quite frankly, I really loathe Charlie Crist....
Except that I do not think the Juan Williams Incident qualifies as outright bigotry, I do agree with Greenwald on this point: The double standard in our political discourse — which tolerates and even...
Doug Mataconis passes along this ad from Citizens Against Government Waste: It’s probably a pretty effective ad – James Fallows thinks it’s an instant classic – but I found it also kind of bizarre....
This controversy has eaten up my whole day, so I won’t spend much more time on it. Glenn Greenwald has some thoughts up at his blog that I very much disagree with even though...
So I think NPR was actually wrong to fire Juan Williams. I also think that most of the positive reaction over his dismissal is due to people’s general dislike of Williams and his politics...
Just started using Ubuntu 10.10 and I really like it, but I can’t stream on Netflix which just seems absurd. Other than that I think it’s a pretty great OS.
Commenter Sam M. writes, in response to my last post: But isn’t the full implication of this diconcerting to a lot of people? To affect this change, I think it presupposes that you accept that...
Ta-Nehisi Coates bumps a comment from commenter Sorn into a full-post. It’s well worth the read. Sorn talks about his experience in the military, how it first gave him a sense of what was...
Will Wilkinson has a really fascinating piece up over at Democracy in America on the effects the cold-war on American Protestantism, and particularly the influence of Billy Graham thanks to President Eisenhower and news...
Stumbled on this video at James Joyner’s digs, and both the lecture and the animation are quite extraordinary. I was nodding along throughout. We do need to go in the exact opposite direction than...
If you, like me, are sick and tired of the news cycle and the constant drumming up of faux scandals, baseless accusations, and other things Politikal & Absurd, and wish to waste your time...