Gold and Bacon and Libertarians Oh My!
I see Jason has already gotten to this over at Cato but I want to chime in. I heard this report on “libertarian summer camp” while driving this morning. NPR Correspondent Robert Smith visits...
I see Jason has already gotten to this over at Cato but I want to chime in. I heard this report on “libertarian summer camp” while driving this morning. NPR Correspondent Robert Smith visits...
Here’s James Poulos on higher education, claiming things like: We fixate on higher education as the key to employment because no other institution but college really acculturates Americans into “legitimate” society. Those who do...
Tim Lee has an excellent response up to this post by NRO’s Daniel Foster, who writes: Punishing a minor by removing him from the culture he’s adopted as his own, for the crimes of...
So, for many readers of my work there’s a sense that I am wishy-washy on a number of issues (though hopefully they also notice where I am consistent: against the war on drugs, for...
I have a piece up at Forbes patiently explaining the difference between black markets and free markets and why the drug war cannot be laid at the feet of greedy capitalists. It’s a response...
Adam Schaeffer responds to my school choice / single-payer post: Kain is right that many school choice advocates want a single-payer, government voucher system. But he’s absolutely wrong to imply the libertarian preference is...
(This post originally appeared at Forbes. I’m posting it here partly because I think it’s a consistent position to support both single-payer healthcare – something many progressives advocate – and single-payer education – something...
Christopher Carr makes an interesting counter-point to my assertion that the Metcalf piece “bodes ill for the liberaltarian project” because: I disagree. For years, libertarians were ignored, like that kid at the high school...
If anything, I have become more and more of a libertarian the further I’ve moved to the “left”. I say “left” because I think terms right and left have become more than a little...
Spoilers after the leap… (First half of the post may have season one show spoilers, after that there is a warning for more book-related spoilers.)
Please welcome me in joining Will Truman who will be blogging alongside Burt Likko at Not a Potted Plant here at The League.
This is week four of the bookclub. We just read chapters 21 – 28, Eddard IV through Eddard V. At this point in the book things are growing more and more foreboding. Eddard arrives...
I’ve been thinking about bottom-up liberalism and pity-charity liberalism a lot lately, and the whole mess of ideas that swirl around between the two. Essentially, Mike Konczal thinks that growth plus safety nets is...
If my calculations are correct, we should be finished with Chapter 28, the sixth Eddard chapter, by tomorrow when we post a discussion. For a list of all chapters, go here. We will need...
So there has been a good discussion of the purpose of sub-blogs, the frequency which sub-bloggers should cross-post, etc. in the last thread. I think sub-bloggers should use their good judgment, cross-posting their more...
So I’ve decided to start my own sub-blog here at The League. I explain my reasoning in my “intro” post. If any bloggers are interested in being hosted at the League (or if you...
Hayek wrote, of the economy, Fundamentally, in a system in which the knowledge of the relevant facts is dispersed among many people, prices can act to coordinate the separate actions of different people in...
The main discussion is here. If you want to talk about spoilers, you can talk about them in this thread.
1) One reason we keep talking about Anthony Weiner is because so many people keep complaining that we’re talking about Anthony Weiner. 2) The argument that people are “puritan” or “prudish” because we think...
Some of the reaction to the Weiner scandal is vaguely reminiscent of the reaction in France to the DSK scandal, though far less overtly disturbing. While the French had a “how dare they?” reaction...