Author: Dennis Sanders

I Am Jack’s Banished Dog.

People with Aspergers might appear to not be interested in friendship, but the reality is we really desire them. The problem is that we don’t know how to do it and relationships bring a lot of stress to us because we are constantly guessing how to act and fearful we will make a mistake.

Extreme Party Makeovers

I always enjoy reading political analyst Sean Trende at Real Clear Politics. What makes him interesting is that he tends to go against the conventional wisdom that is flying around the politisphere. This week, he written a three part series on the future of the GOP and true to form, he goes against the grain.

Think of the Children. Won’t Somebody Please Think of the Children.

Liberals have long thought Ronald Reagan and the GOP of that era as made up of nothing but selfish jerks. I don’t think that ever was the case- Reagan in many ways offered a conservative version of the common good; that Republicans were more than just people serving interests, but working together as part of a greater whole.

That drive and belief of being your brother’s keeper seems to be absent from today’s GOP.