A new front in the war on men
Currying favour from the cliterati, feminist stooge Drew Gough is taking aim at masculinity, suggesting we succumb to our double-x overlords:
Currying favour from the cliterati, feminist stooge Drew Gough is taking aim at masculinity, suggesting we succumb to our double-x overlords:
A minor football team in Ottawa has done the right thing (finally), dropping the racist moniker. But will Washington’s NFL team ever show the same basic decency?
Maclean’s Adam Goldenberg compares sportscasters to cockroaches… which is actually rather complementary.
At Maclean’s, Paul Wells looks at President Obama’s talk about the Keystone pipeline, as well as Prime Minster Harper’s actions, to try to determine just what the hell the PM is up to. Over at Politico...
The Queen is under attack in Canada, but very few Canadians really care.
Conservatives have drawn lines in the silliest of wars: the war on bikes.
Remember when National Post‘s Chris Selley made a joke in defense of Edmonton that their mayor just couldn’t understand? Well, now it’s Maclean’s Colby Cosh… except he’s actually making fun of Edmonton, and her mayor: A fine-dining...
Writing in The Toronto Star, Thomas Walkom argues that Canada should provide sanctuary for Edward Snowden: “By all rights, Snowden should be a Conservative poster boy. He has upheld the rights of the individual against...
The National Post’s Chris Selley got into a bit of a thing with Edmontonians, including their blustery, I-don’t-understand-sarcasm mayor, Stephen Mandel. Here’s what Mr. Selley wrote: Get dry soon, Alberta The Calgary Herald’s editorialists could...
Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Edmonton has marked a new first in the history of the Canadian military. They are flying the Pride Flag. From CTVNews.ca: n a show of support by the Canadian Armed...