President Biden Affirms the Passage of the ERA
Today I’m affirming what I have long believed and what three-fourths of the states have ratified:
The 28th Amendment is the law of the land, guaranteeing all Americans equal rights and protections under the law regardless of their sex.
Kamala Harris released a Statement from the White House:
Equality is a fundamental promise of our democracy. That is why the Equal Rights Amendment belongs in our Constitution. It makes our nation stronger, and it is the law of the land because the American people have spoken in states across our nation.
History teaches us that civil rights are fought for and won with every generation. That continues to be true today, which is why I have spent my career fighting for freedoms and to expand opportunities for women and girls. It has always been clear that when we lift up women, we lift up children, families, communities, and all of society. Now, Americans must continue to fight for a more equal and just nation where everyone has the opportunity to realize the promise of America.
Joe Biden also announced it in a speech covered by C-Span:
Today, I affirm the Equal Rights Amendment has cleared all the necessary hurdles to be added to the U.S. Constitution, now! The Equal Rights Amendment is the law of the land, now! It’s the 28th Amendment to the Constitution, now!
We’re in garbage time now, the third-stringers are running the socials.Report
Oh I didn’t read all the way to the bottom — maybe they’re also writing the speeches?Report
I wanted to embed the video in the post, but C-Span doesn’t make that easy.
My tax dollars paid for that video!Report