Campaign Scratchpad: Known Unknowns

Will Truman

Will Truman is the Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. He is also on Twitter.

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33 Responses

  1. Saul Degraw

    1. Trump could win.

    2. I think the GOP are much better at flooding the zone with sh@t from bad pollsters and the aggregators like 538 and Silver are not as good at discounting the sh@t as they say they are.

    2a. Not all the flooders get labeled as partisan Republican. Trafalgar Group does (currently has +3 for Trump in PA which seems risible) but other groups like TIPP Insights and Atlas Intel and RMG Research do not but it takes approximately 2 minutes or less of Googling to find their elephant undies. TIPP Insight is filled with MAGA style clickbait on their website. Atlas Intel is connected a right-libertarian think tank that has been around since 1946. RMG Research is Rammussen’s new gig. Patriot Polling is two college aged Republicans I don’t know why these groups do not get discounted more.

    3. Marist College (6 on 538’s pollster rankings) had a poll with Harris up 5 out on October 16th. I have not seen this mentioned by the Times, 538, or Silver.

    4. Early voting is going well for the Democrats where it needs to go well. This could change or it could you know, actually be something but if something is good for the Democrats, the rule is that it must be discounted or denied seemingly:

  2. Jaybird

    I look at the landscape and I have no idea what’s going on.

    Ohio’s Sharrod Brown is running an ad talking about how he’s willing to work with Trump.

    Wisconsin’s Tammy Baldwin is running an ad talking about how Trump signed her Made in America bill.

    Michigan’s Elissa Slotkin is running an ad talking about how she wrote a law that Trump signed.

    How do you read that? My immediate guess is that they’ve looked at the internals and concluded that Trump is going to win and it’s better to hedge than to lose.

    But there is so much static and so much churn that that seems like… I don’t know. We knew that Trump was going to lose all the way back in August, right?

    Silver talked about how Biden was on track to lose the Popular Vote by more than a couple of points by the time that he dropped out and how that would be a challenge to overcome for a seasoned politician, no matter who they were, if they stepped in and took over.

    But Trump is Trump, right? He’s got one hell of a hard, low, ceiling.

    What irritates me is that, no matter who wins, the post-mortem will be the easiest thing in the world to write. “Well, of course (insert name here) lost! Let’s list the reasons!”

    And the reasons just come naturally.Report

    • Saul Degraw in reply to Jaybird

      Trump is almost certainly going to win Ohio. The other two are being moronsReport

      • Jaybird in reply to Saul Degraw

        That’s probably a comforting thought.Report

      • North in reply to Saul Degraw

        Not necessarily moronic- even if Harris wins the Trump positivish adds help those Senate candidates appeal to squishy Trump voters. In WI and OH especially playing to that bunch is smart even if it gives us highly engaged leftier voters a sad. At the same time I don’t think it indicates that either candidate necessarily thinks Trump is going to win- just that saying vaguely nicish things about some aspects of him is a way to play for votes and good for them for doing so.Report

        • Saul Degraw in reply to North

          I think “he is an existential threat to democracy but I can work with him” is a very mixed message but your mileage may vary.

          Everyone is ignoring early voting dataReport

          • Jaybird in reply to Saul Degraw

            Harris believed Biden’s accusers back in 2020.

            It’s the way game is played.Report

          • North in reply to Saul Degraw

            I don’t think of it as ignoring early voting data as being un-reassured by it. And, frankly, since Complacency is one of the two great plagues of Democrats along with its vile twin Purity, I’m not worried about us leftists being anxious about the outcome. Anxiety is good. Go vote. Go encourage some low engagement acquaintance to vote. I’ve done several myself.

            As for the Senators- I don’t give one flat fart what somewhat nice things they say the great Pumpkin so long as they end up in the Senate and neither should you.Report

            • Saul Degraw in reply to North

              I don’t think anyone is being complacent but I don’t think I need to take pollsters word for it at partisan polls flooding the zone having no effect because all they do is say it. They don’t quite show their work.

              Quantus turns out to be for Rs as well


              Activote does their polling via app and that just seems like a bad system.
              Garbage In, Garbage Out is a thing.

              Anxiety is good to an extent but it also looks like silly season and there is nothing wrong with a little steel and confidence tooReport

  3. North

    I have no idea how it’s actually going to turn out. The polls are too close. The squishier indicators look nice but they looked fine in ’16 too. And on top of it I’m going to be on a cruise on election day with spotty internet access. It’s going to be a unique election for me to watch, that is for sure.

    I’m still predicting and hoping for a Harris win and for the Dems to run the table but after ’16 I simply can’t have any strong confidence about it.

    One thought tho: Harris has a lavishly funded ground game and my understanding is Trump simply doesn’t. Will this be a good election for us to measure if that element actually makes a difference or if it’s pure election industry grift?Report

  4. InMD

    I’m making my best effort not to pay attention to any of the polling at this point. Early in person voting opens here next week. I”ve set aside time to go cast my ballot. After that I will have done all I personally can do and the outcome will be what it will be.Report

  5. Chip Daniels

    The most important thing that we do know at this point is that no matter which way the election goes, nothing will be resolved.

    The outcome will be razor tight hinging on a few regions in a few states, and the losing side can plausibly claim that next time, with just a little more effort, they could win.

    Andcsecond, the positions and issues are binary with no room for negotiation or compromise: Reproductive rights, the status of queer people in society, the rights of immigrants legal or otherwise- these don’t have any room for creative negotiation or triangulation.

    So buckle up, we are in for a bumpy decade or three.Report

  6. Jaybird

    Twitter user VB Knives had a pretty interesting insight:

    One reason this election is so strange is that it seems programmed to result in a pyrrhic victory.

    4 more years of Harris and woke stuff tees up a run by a young, strong, conservative R.

    Same could be said of Trump, preparing the way for a strong, 2 term Democrat to emerge.


    • InMD in reply to Jaybird

      One would think that the thermostatic trends will be against whoever wins but I don’t know that you could call the result pyrrhic. It’s still 4 years holding the most powerful office on the planet.Report

    • Will Truman in reply to Jaybird

      Someone pointed out (so don’t blame me if it’s wrong though I can’t think of any counter-examples) that this could be the first time since 1988 that a president comes into office without their party effectively controlling both houses of congress.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to Will Truman

        I remember the late 90’s somewhat fondly (ah, to be a newlywed in the post-cold-war era…) and I remember 2015 and 2016 somewhat fondly (ah, to be a blogger on the internet right before the most important election of our lifetimes…) and there are worse things than Gridlock.

        I mean, I remember the early 80’s fondly too, but a lot of that is merely being an adolescent.Report

      • Saul Degraw in reply to Will Truman

        It’s possible but I think the House could be a Democratic pickup and there is a far but not implausible chance of Democrats retaining the Senate in a 50-50 with Walz as the tiebreaker.Report

    • Saul Degraw in reply to Jaybird

      Maybe, maybe not.

      1. Negative partisanship might mean we are headed for an era of one-term Presidents. This is a distinct possibility

      2. The trillion dollar question with Trump is whether he is one of a kind. So far the next generation of mini-Trumps or local Trumps has fallen flat on its face. Maybe some will squeak a victory this November but most, if not all, of the non-partisan polling a good deal of the R-partisan polling has shown safe leads for the Democratic candidates for Senate in swing states. Arizona was a very narrow Biden victory in 2020.

      So what happens to the GOP if Trump is one of a kind in his ability to excite low propensity voters in ways Vance and Hawley are not?Report

      • Jaybird in reply to Saul Degraw

        Horses for Courses.

        The only person who could have beaten Clinton in 2016 was Trump.
        The only guy who could have beaten Trump in 2020 was Biden.
        2024? Well, there’s all sorts of hypotheticals swirling around with 2024.

        Remember the 20 minutes we thought DeSantis was likely to be the nominee? (“DeSantis is even worse than Trump!” was floating around for a second or two.)

        Could DeSantis have beaten Biden? Could he have beaten Harris?

        I’ve heard it argued that Harris is an unnaturally weak candidate… is that true?

        I mean, is she the only one who could beat Trump in 2024?

        Or is Trump the only one who could beat her?

        How do we keep nominating the only person who could lose to this other joker?Report

      • Philip H in reply to Saul Degraw

        So what happens to the GOP if Trump is one of a kind in his ability to excite low propensity voters in ways Vance and Hawley are not?

        The GOP have spent the better part of the last 5 decades marching to this exact point. When TFG looses they will find another demagogue so they can achieve their fever dreams.Report

        • Chip Daniels in reply to Philip H

          Trumpism exists in every corner of the GOP.

          Every week brings a new horror of illiberalism from one of the GOP run states, having nothing to do with Trump.

          Can a DeSantis or Abbot win nationally?

          Hard to tell, but we know for a fact that for at least the foreseeable future, the governing majority of about half the states will be Trumpists.Report

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