The First GOP Primary Poll That Matters (For Getting On Debate Stage)

Andrew Donaldson

Born and raised in West Virginia, Andrew has been the Managing Editor of Ordinary Times since 2018, is a widely published opinion writer, and appears in media, radio, and occasionally as a talking head on TV. He can usually be found misspelling/misusing words on Twitter@four4thefire. Andrew is the host of Heard Tell podcast. Subscribe to Andrew'sHeard Tell Substack for free here:

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9 Responses

  1. Pinky says:

    It’s interesting how DeSantis’s support fell with the media / left’s relentless attack, despite him not kowtowing to them. It reminds me of Santorum. Some candidates get attacked as outside the mainstream, and the lower-information Republicans take the attacks to heart. My hope is that people will accept DeSantis, although he doesn’t have the most comfortable nature.

    The question is, if DeSantis and Scott aren’t making a dent, will someone else step in? The problem is, the kind of person that the institutional party would turn to as a rescuer isn’t the kind of person who could meet the challenge.Report

  2. John Puccio says:

    Desantis & Co have to pound the drum: “If you vote for Trump, you are electing Biden/Harris.”

    If “Trump can’t win” isn’t enough to convert a Trump voter, nothing else will. And if the GOP still nominates the clown, they deserve what they get.Report

    • Philip H in reply to John Puccio says:


      The base is in a war to reclaim a political and economic control they believe was taken from them. They want enemies. They want bullying. Some want violence. They don’t want policy debates – they want shows of raw power in the way men were men in the 1950’s or so.

      Senior republicans – who value their positions and power more than functional democracy – are happy to give them this. Because the GOP controls enough states and enough of the federal judiciary so that loosing the White House again doesn’t necessarily matter. If they can keep the House and retake the senate, keep their state control and throw enough red meat to the base then Trump winning doesn’t really matter.Report

  3. Michael Cain says:

    Re Doug Burgum of North Dakota… Most people think it’s just an ego campaign. I think it’s slightly more than that, he’s trying a Jay Inslee thing. Inslee knew he wasn’t going to win but his presence ensured that: (a) the moderators had to ask at least a couple of climate change questions and (b) other candidates had to go farther than Inslee, that is, “My climate change plan will spend more money and have earlier deadlines for getting off fossil fuels than Jay’s.” Burgum wants to do that but for mandating continued use of coal and natural gas.Report

  4. North says:

    I don’t love the idea of it being Trump again but the stars do seem to be aligning for a Trump renomination. If the GOP’s primaries weren’t majority take all I’d feel like there’d be more doubt but with a crowded field Trump can easily win with a dedicated plurality.

    I think John Puccio is correct that Trump being a shoe in for Biden is likely more correct than not. Biden’s sitting in a good position on everything except approval ratings right now*: The economy is still rumbling along with fantastic employment; inflation is falling back towards the Fed’s 2% target very well; Bidens play for infrastructure and Global Warming/chips centered industrial policy seems to be performing tolerably and the over/under on Ukraine looks favorable.

    *Of course a lot can happen in fifteen months.Report