Why Don’t Americans Trust Republicans with Entitlements?


Eric Medlin

History instructor. Writer. Rising star in the world of affordable housing.

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6 Responses

  1. Philip H says:

    Republicans have not made the hard choices required to communicate to the public that they will not cut Social Security and Medicare. They have not reined in recalcitrant members or enforced message discipline. The party has not crafted a coherent narrative where entitlements fit into their vision of America’s future.

    That’s because Republicans have waged war against earned benefits, and the taxes that go with them, for nearly a century. Just as they don’t believe in regulation as a check on the excess, hubris and greed of business, they don’t accept a societal responsibility to take care of the less fortunate with government action. Its like the ACA – A democratic president (who happened to be black) got a democratic congress to pass Heritage Foundation ideas into law. Instead of taking the victory lap, they have spent over a decade saying they will repeal and replace their own ideas because it takes government to implement them. To create and sustain a position protective of earned benefits, Republicans would have to create and sustain a position that government can do good things.Report

  2. Jaybird says:

    On top of that, there’s the whole issue of how, after a couple of glasses of wine, the whole “you know, balancing the budget *IS* important… and entitlements *ARE* the biggest part of the budget… I’m just saying” speeches start coming out.

    It’s not merely that they’ve stopped coming out and saying “we need to do X!”
    It’s that the whole issue of “I’m just saying X would *WORK*!” keeps bubbling up when it’s really inconvenient.

    I mean, if you asked me “do you think that Republicans would cut social security if they got a super-duper majority?”, I’d say “probably”. I’m not sure how many people wouldn’t say that.

    To compare to “Defund”, you *KNOW* that Democratic Leaders would start pouring money on police departments the *SECOND* that Police Protests left the CHAZ and wandered toward the mayor’s house. The FREAKING SECOND.

    Even now, even San Francisco is pouring money back into cops. And it’s only the politicians who live at the top of various hills that are still talking about defund.Report

  3. InMD says:

    The fundamental flaw of the post Cold War Republican Party really has been its failure to make peace philosophically with the fact that a modern state runs these kinds of programs. They’re just part and parcel with an advanced and prosperous society, and for that reason all the gimmicks and half baked ideas they (at least used to) propose are obvious subterfuge.Report

  4. CJColucci says:

    Is this a real or a rhetorical question?Report

  5. Chip Daniels says:

    Republicans have not made the hard choices required to communicate to the public that they will not cut Social Security and Medicare. They have not reined in recalcitrant members or enforced message discipline. The party has not crafted a coherent narrative where entitlements fit into their vision of America’s future.

    C’mon, give them time. Its only been a hundred years, they’ll come up with something, any day now.Report

  6. North says:

    Heheh, good article. Why don’t Americans trust the foxes to guard the henhouse?Report