Weekend Plans Post: Folding Towels
I was raised to fold towels like Martha Stewart recommends:
Once I got out on my own, I stopped doing the “fold into thirds” thing and just folded it in half because heck with it. This made towels a little less neat but, hey. I only had, like, three of them.
Then I got married and three towels turned into about 30. It is easy to stack up three towels. Heck, even if you don’t do a particularly good job of folding them, three of them aren’t going to topple. Thirty of them? Well, they’re going to start falling over. Like, when you put them up there. Or when you take one down. Whap whap whap, right on top of your head. After a couple of situations where more than one or two fell down, I made a joke about folding them differently and told Maribou “LOOK! LOOK!” and instead of folding them like Martha Stewart, I folded them down the middle longways and then rolled them into a tube. Something like in the second half of this.
Maribou made horror noises and then I put the tubes up there and… well, they didn’t fall down?
It was weird. Like, my joke ended up being a good way to do it.
We then got rid of, like, more than half of the towels. Threw out a quarter of them, sent another quarter to the Goodwill. Then we got two absolutely *GIMUNGOUS* towels. Like, 40″ by 80″. And rolling those puppies is pretty much the only way to do it. Those things would require two people to fold properly.
But the important thing is that I found out that I have been folding towels wrong my whole life.
Last weekend was graduation weekend so this weekend is open house weekend. I’m going to an open house on behalf of a kid born in 2004 (last weekend, I went to one for his older brother who got his Bachelor’s). And, yeah, doing laundry. And rolling the towels in a tube.
So… what’s on your docket?
(Featured image is “Stretch”. Photo taken by Maribou.)